But it was too late, a series of nimble figures darted out diagonally, cutting off the humans' escape route back to the village like a sharp, long sword. They were a group of Rabbit wolf cavalry, wielding a pair of Groundhogs in their hands.
In their hands, those Groundhogs were just like Nunchaku, whirling with a whooshing sound, and when they struck, they bit and clawed, disfiguring many girls' faces on the spot, causing them to burst into tears...
"Those who haven't entered the battle, log off now, log off!" Madman reacted rapidly! With such a large battlefield, there were definitely still people who hadn't entered combat, so he reminded the players to log off.
Just then, a group of Rabbits holding large balls appeared. They threw the balls they were holding, the balls flew into the middle of the crowd and exploded in mid-air, sending a flurry of snakes in all directions. The snakes sprayed potent venom from the air, instantly turning swath after swath of players green...
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: