
Tournament Part 2

For the past 2 hours, Kanzaki and his team had been playing their hearts out now that everything was on the line in the tournament.

Originally they thought they could challenge the entire tournament on their own with only 3 people but they soon found out after a few more rounds that this wasn't the case.

They had been lucky to have NotBoss413 on their team who actually ended up being in the top 100, currently at number 23, just below Fria despite not playing nearly as long.

NotBoss413 had been an integral part of their team composition so far letting them decimate teams without issue despite such a high skill-leveled event.

After battling it out all day they had finally made it to the finals with all their effort and were now waiting on the tournament organizers to tell them when to join for the finals.

"Guys we made it to the finals!" Fria shouted with happiness as Samuel and Kanzaki also cheered excited that all of their hard work had paid off.

NotBoss413 was also smiling behind her screen but she didn't shout like the rest and silently enjoyed the moment she was a part of.

As the group was celebrating someone from higher up in Witch finally joined their call to presumably give them news of what was happening.

"Hello, can everyone hear me?" The man asked through the call letting everyone hear him.

"Yes I can" Kanzaki replied along with the rest of his teammates, who quickly agreed that they could also hear the man.

"Good. You have made it to the final round and normally we would just play it out online. However, this time is a little different. The convention that is starting tomorrow near our capital headquarters will be where we play the final match. All of you will have an all-expense-paid trip there if you aren't close already. Hope to see you there soon." The man said before leaving the call as soon as he had arrived.

""""Huh?!-"""" The entire team said out loud once they realized the person had left just like that. Not only that but they just threw them into a situation none of them had expected!

Little did they know a similar scene was happening with the other team that made it to the finals along with everyone watching the tournament. None of them had expected the tournament to become a real-life event where people could come and watch.

"So- WHAT WAS THAT BULLSHIT?!" Fria screamed out of nowhere in anger. She was furious at the moment since not only her but the rest of her team had been prepared to play and finish the tournament today. She had expected once again that her agent would mention something like this to her but apparently not.

Regardless Fria was going to have a long talk with him after the stream was over, "I guess that's all for today?" Kanzaki said with uncertainty as he closed the game on his computer.

"I suppose so?" Samuel also said sounding just as confused as the rest of them were except for NotBoss413 who was choosing to stay silent during all of this.

The group conferred with one another some more before ending their streams and letting each other gather their thoughts throughout the day since it was still morning. They promised to talk that night to decide their next plan of action and how they felt about everything.

'It's time I figure out what in the world is going on.' Kanzaki thought to himself with a wary smile before standing up from his desk and making his way outside of his apartment.

Once he was outside his apartment he made his way straight toward Selena's apartment before knocking on the door three times. It didn't even take 5 seconds before the door opened revealing a smiling Selena behind the door still in her pajamas.

"Hello Kanzaki~ What brings you here?~" Selena said not letting the happy smile leave her face. However, Kanzaki wasn't all smiles this time but instead had a small frown formed on his face.

"Why didn't you tell me who you were, Boss413?" Kanzaki asked with a slight frown.

When Kanzaki said this Selena's smile slightly dimmed before it regained a little bit of its luster, "I'm happy to see you realized, Mask. Come inside~" Selena said before opening the door wider to let Kanzaki inside.

After that Kanzaki entered the familiar apartment once more and took a seat on the couch he had spent many other nights on before, "So why did you never tell me?" Kanzaki asked getting straight to the point on the reason he was there.

The moment he had heard the voice of NotBoss413 during their first call he knew that it was Selena. Her voice was something that was on his mind at all times of the day and something he would never forget. The only problem was that she had been with him since the start of his streaming career yet pretended like she had no idea.

It made him feel strange almost uncomfortable that she had pretended to be oblivious for so long and to suddenly reveal herself just confused him even more.

When Kanzaki asked his burning question Selena quietly sat on the opposite couch across from him before looking him straight in the eyes, "The reason I never told you is because I love you." Selena said suddenly catching Kanzaki completely off guard.

"W-what?!" Kanzaki asked in confusion as he hadn't expected an answer like this. Before Kanzaki could even gather his thoughts Selena stood up and slowly approached him on the couch and then placed her legs on either side of him sitting in his lap as she faced him basically trapping him within her grasp.

"I said I love you. I love you so much it makes it hard to breathe sometimes. I've loved you so much since the beginning but I couldn't tell you that because you might have run away~ I love you so much with every fiber of my being that with each beat of my heart it shouted your name~ It was so much that I almost couldn't contain myself. That's why I kept it a secret. I want you to love me as much as I love you which made me want to be close to you in everything you do. This is my confession to you. I love you Kanzaki!~" Selena said with the most crazed love-filled eyes Kanzaki had ever seen.


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