
Sweat And More Sweat

Selena continued to question the girl in front of her for a while about Kanzaki wondering how long they dated and different things like that while also deciding whether she was going to murder her mercilessly or not, 'I guess I can spare her for now. She seems to be avoiding Kanzaki so maybe I can use her as a pawn in the future.' Selena thought to herself as she began devising a plan on how she was going to use the girl in front of her to her advantage.

"We have been talking out here for a while but I forgot to even ask your name, what is it if you don't mind me asking?" The girl in front of Selena said as she seemed to have realized how long she went on a rant about her time and feelings with Kanzaki.

"I'm Selena, what is your name?" Selena asked her. This was the final barrier in confirming whether or not this girl was truly Kanzaki's ex-girlfriend. Even though Selena may not have a lot of information on her she still knew her name at the very least.

The girl seemed hesitant but after Selena admitted her name she decided it was only fair that she shared hers as well, "My name is Fria it's nice to meet you officially." Fria said with a smile as they began exchanging pleasantries and even contact information.

After they exchanged information they both went about their business as Fria went inside the gym to her own area while Selena pretended to walk away but instead waited around the corner to watch as Kanzaki left the gym. One thing that Selena thought about as she sat there was the fact that Fria's voice sounded oddly familiar to her. Like she had heard it a thousand times but couldn't really put her finger on it quite yet.

Every time she thought about where it could be from Selena brought her thoughts to where she had been the past few weeks and the only thing she could think of was her job and watching Kanzaki. There was no way Kanzaki would have been talking to Fria on his stream so she threw that thought out of the window before thinking deeply about whether or not Fria actually worked for her. If she did then this could be a great opportunity for her.


Kanzaki and Samuel had been with their new personal trainer for a few hours now and they were both on the ground covered in sweat from head to toe, "Are you guys ready for the final set?" The trainer asked them despite knowing that they were within seconds of passing out on the cold, sweat-covered ground.

The only reply the trainer got was a groan from Kanzaki and Samuel before they made their way over to the bench press and took turns doing their final reps. The weight on the bar wasn't that high considering their current strength. Kanzaki's strength was a little higher than the average person while Samuel's was a little below. However, they had figured out that Samuel could actually lift more Kanzaki but not for a large number of reps.

After both Kanzaki and Samuel struggled to finish the last remaining reps the trainer finally let them leave once they completed it, "Good work you two! I will see you both again at the same time tomorrow!" The trainer said with enthusiasm before leaving.

This time neither Kanzaki nor Samuel answered the trainer but instead lay on the ground dead both inside and outside, "So is that what exercise feels like?" Samuel asked as he groaned finally standing up from the ground.

"Yes, lots of pain and tiredness." Kanzaki said with tiredness as he finally stood up as well inwardly impressed that Samuel had done so well. After that, they both began making their way toward the door as they talked albeit they were limping half the way since they did a full-body workout this time to test all their abilities.

The person at the front desk laughed at them when they walked by knowing that it had been their first day there. They weren't being mean in any way but were just laughing at the fact they were already so sore and that the next morning would more than likely be way worse. Once they both made their way outside they said their goodbyes.

"It was a pleasure hanging out and dying with you." Kanzaki said with a smile as he shook hands with Samuel. The previous cab that had carried Samuel here had arrived but one thing that Kanzaki figured out while inside the gym was the fact that it actually wasn't a cab. The car was actually a privately owned service by Samuel. He hired a person to drive a car whenever he felt like going somewhere and from what he told him Samuel paid the person by the day.

"It was a pleasure hanging out with you as well, see you tomorrow." Samuel said shaking Kanzaki's hand as well before getting in the open car door that had been held by his personal driver.

'Streamers that make it really can do some crazy things.' Kanzaki thought to himself as he looked at the car and the personal driver. If he were to have been asked what job Samuel had before Kanzaki knew about streaming then he would have said that he had to be a businessman or maybe even a doctor.

Kanzaki waved to Samuel as he drove away before he began making his own way home on foot. Normally Kanzaki would have said such a walk is good exercise but at this point, he didn't want any more exercise and instead wanted his comfy bed.

"Kanzaki is that you?" A voice said behind Kanzaki suddenly, catching his attention. The voice sounded familiar to him so he turned around to look at the person and when he did he was surprised by who it was.


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