

When Rose13 started the first game both Crasher and Knight didn't know about Kanzaki's skill. Many of the people in their chat had even told them that he was really good at the game but they chalked it up to Kanzaki sending his chat over to them to say such things since they were bigger streamers than him.

They hadn't done their research besides just checking his account one time and seeing how many followers he had. While Knight didn't really care and considered him a smaller streamer that was doing well. Crasher considered him to be like a bug that was not worthy of being on the same team as him.

Crasher didn't make this thought public knowledge immediately since he didn't want to be rude to the new person just in case Rose13 knew him somehow but after seeing that she was just excited to play with him and not the new Mask person he got bolder.

Little did he know that he trapped himself in his own misunderstanding. The only reason Crasher was there in the first place is due to the fact that Rose13 said to her Witch manager to pick all men to be the rest of the people on her team. The manager thought she was looking for men to take advantage of but actually, she was just trying to make sure no other girl got her hands on Kanzaki or even talked to him while they played together.

She considered this to be the moment and time when she would fix her relationship with him making everything better once more. As they began playing their first round in the game Kanzaki was left by himself to hold down an area and was quickly surrounded by the entire enemy team before being killed.

Even though he died Kanzaki gave as good information as he could about their position and had even injured 2 of the enemy players before going down. However, soon after his team arrived killing the enemy team and winning the round Crasher couldn't help but make a comment.

"I thought you were supposed to be very good at this game Mask? Don't tell me you sent some of your viewers over here to lie about your ability, that's not very nice." Crasher said before he began laughing at Kanzaki.

When Kanzaki heard this he was surprised to hear such hateful words from someone who sounded so friendly moments ago. If Kanzaki knew that the reason for his hateful words was due to him having a smaller following Kanzaki might think Crasher had some sort of brain damage or something.

Rose13 was thinking the same thing wondering where the sudden hate came from and began wondering if she might be able to switch teammates, "It was only the first round no need to say something like that already." Rose13 said surprising Crasher. He thought she wouldn't defend him at all considering that he had a bigger following but it seemed he had assumed wrong.

Knight saw an opportunity to gain brownie points and didn't hesitate before jumping in on Crasher, "Yeah it's only the first round plus he got surrounded by an entire team I'm sure you couldn't do the same thing and survive." Knight explained making Crasher gnash his teeth in anger that was visibly seen on his stream making some of his viewers a little uncomfortable.

They didn't know why their streamer was acting this way since he had played with many female streamers before and never acted this way. In addition to this, they thought since he was playing with such people he wouldn't try to bully someone with a smaller viewership, it put a bad taste in a lot of people's mouths.

"I see, well sorry about that. I will try to be better about that now." Crasher said giving a fake apology. Instead of being sorry for what he did and refusing to do such a thing anymore it only made him madder inwardly as he saw Rose13 defend Kanzaki.

He had no idea why she did such a thing but he could understand why Knight did. Crasher would have done the same thing as Knight if the roles were reversed because of two simple facts. One of these facts was that she was more popular than him. If he were able to tog get on her good side then he might be able to collab with her more resulting in more followers on his side. Second, she was an amazing streamer that he wanted to know much better.

However, little did he know that Kanzaki was connected to Rose13 before she even began streaming there was no way someone like him would split the relationship between the two of them up. In fact, at this very moment, Rose13 was planning how to remove him from the group while there was someone even scarier watching that was figuring out every little thing about Crasher.


'Oh so you think you can bully my Kanzaki? Only I can do that, anyone else who tries will die horribly.' Selena thought in her mind as she rocked back and forth in her apartment caressing a few photos she had of Kanzaki sleeping and also when he has been awake inside his apartment. There was even one she had taken of him in the shower now that she had a camera in there. When she looked at it she felt herself heat up but before she did anything about it she researched more about the Crasher person.

With Selena's connections, she was able to find a lot of information quickly. In the past few days, some of her money had come flowing back in with her business and apartment that she owned. This allowed her to pay someone to find out information on Crasher and what she found made her smile darkly.

Apparently, he was a man that lived in an apartment nearby and was only about a 30-minute walk from where Selena was currently. With this knowledge in mind, she began planning what she would do to him if he continued to mess with Kanzaki in such a way. She held no remorse for those that planned to make things difficult for him.


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