
Friendly Talk

The person hadn't really dropped the dumbbell but instead threw it onto him. It almost looked like they dropped it at first but when Kanzaki and the worker looked closely they could see the person put a certain kind of force into the throw making it strike the shoulder that had been sore all morning. Kanzaki even began to stretch the shoulder while watching the video and every time he did so he felt it was more than a little bit sore.

"How could someone do something like this?!" The worker said in shock. They had worked in many gyms but never seen something bizarre like this. Kanzaki could only sigh and curse his luck with the gym and just going outside in general. It seemed that wherever he went he ended up in some sort of bad situation.

Chelsea was also looking at him with pity as she thought it might have been her fault that he got injured since she had been one of the people to suggest sitting on the bench, "Sorry about this." Chelsea said with slight tears in her eyes feeling horrible about what happened.

"Don't worry about it. I have been in many worse situations." Kanzaki said laughing it off. Even though he was laughing about the situation he was still planning on not visiting this gym again anytime soon. There were too many bad things that happened to him there so he would have to find an alternative sometime soon.

"I will try to figure out as much as I can but from all of these camera angles, it's hard to see the person's face. I can't even judge their gender if I'm being honest." The worker said not wanting to tolerate such horrible behavior in their gym.

"No worries. Thank you for trying and if you find anything this is my room number." Kanzaki said as he wrote it down and gave it to the worker. When Chelsea saw the number she nearly fell over.

"You live on the top floor?! Who knew streaming paid so much." Chelsea said unconsciously before stopping herself. She knew it was rude to mention someone's pay like that but she couldn't help it when she saw something like that. The top floor was no joke and even sought after by people that lived inside the apartment Selena used to live in.

"It's something I got from a friend since my room has been messed up. I just became partnered recently so I haven't made a ton from streaming." Kanzaki said being generous about how much he had made. In Chelsea's mind, she thought he might have made a few hundred dollars considering the way he had explained it but if she knew he actually made over $10,000 then she might lose her mind.

"How generous of them. They sound like a lovely friend." Chelsea said wondering how in the world someone could just gift an expensive room like that. Whoever it was Chelsea just hoped she could become friends with them as well so she could reap such benefits but if she knew it was Selena and got to know her she might change her mind.

When Kanzaki listened to Chelsea mention Selena he thought of her and smiled, "Yes she is a fantastic friend. I'm sure you will meet her at some point so I will introduce you." Kanzaki said with a smile before turning toward the worker.

"I will be leaving now. Please tell me if you get any more information on this person I would like to have a nice talk with them." Kanzaki said very annoyed at the fact the person did something like that on purpose. Most of all he just wanted to understand their reasoning for why they did such a thing.

"Of course, I will get to the bottom of this and inform you of what happens, see you later." The worker said waving bye to Kanzaki while he also said goodbye to Chelsea. It seems she also had to work that morning and hadn't intended on being there that long. Luckily Kanzaki said she could just work on his things at a later time to clear up her schedule more so it worked out.

With all of that finally worked out Kanzaki got on the elevator and headed back up to his apartment. He glanced at Selena's room momentarily wondering if he should ask her about the person or not but decided not to since he thought it was just a small problem.

Once Kanzaki was in his apartment he took a shower getting the sweat off of his body while also looking in the mirror for the first time. His shoulder had felt sore the entire day but now that he had been hit by the dumbbell it felt worse and he knew he needed to check it.

When Kanzaki took his shirt off and looked in the mirror at his shoulder he was more than shocked, "It looks terrible!" Kanzaki shouted in fright. There was a large black bruise covering almost his entire shoulder. He thought it looked a little extra to be from a dumbbell but he had also never been hit by one before so he didn't know if this type of bruising was normal.

He considered his earlier soreness to be from his workout but this new extreme version of it he thought was from the bruise he got from the dumbbell. Of course, most of the bruise was from all the hickeys Selena gave him the night before but he had no idea of that and just thought it was from the dumbbell. He was so focused on that part that he ignored his super sore back that held a piece of art that would scare him more than anything else.

After looking at the bruise for a while Kanzaki finished up in the bathroom and headed to his computer to finally begin his stream for the day. It was time to practice more for the event!


'It worked!' Selena thought with joy.


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