
Collecting Thoughts

After Selena caught Kanzaki off guard with her comment he just walked over to where the computer was and looked at the screen silently not wanting to say anything. Selena didn't understand what was wrong until a few moments of staring at him which made her realize his face was slightly red. When she realized this she inwardly smiled noting down that telling him he was important to her would do well in the future.

"We will start from the time you entered my apartment all the way until you fell asleep." Selena said as she started watching the footage on the cameras. Kanzaki was wondering how a camera set at the front of the apartment would see everything they needed to see but he was soon shown why when another camera feed appeared on the screen.

'There were multiple of them?!' Kanzaki thought in shock still not saying anything so he didn't miss a single thing that happened on the screen. The new camera was placed in the middle ceiling of the living room showing all of the living room and even into the kitchen. Everything shown on the camera was high quality and was something that Kanzaki could only imagine how expensive it might be.

They continued to watch the feed for a while rewatching all of the stuff that happened between them including the wobbling of Selena as she walked toward her room which she apologized for, "Sorry about that I was feeling sick at that moment and needed a second in my room." Selena said to Kanzaki as she turned from the computer to look at him.

"Don't worry about it. I already knew you weren't feeling great from earlier when you texted me which is why I went in there to check on you." Kanzaki said pointing toward the screen as he expected himself to start walking toward the door soon to check on Selena but once the Kanzaki on the screen started moving it was much different than he remembered.

At first, the Kanzaki on the screen continued cooking the food which Kanzaki paid real close attention to since he wanted to make sure it looked like he did them in the order he remembered, and sure enough it was the exact same order he did the night before. In addition to that, Kanzaki had dropped a spoon at one point which was also shown and heard on the camera which made Kanzaki more confident that the video in front of him was real. There was no way to capture such clean and precise images that fit everything he did unless it was the real thing.

After Kanzaki dropped the spoon he cleaned it and continued what he was doing for a while until he finally decided to go and check on Selena. When Kanzaki saw this while watching the screen he was excited and scared to finally get down to the bottom of what was true and what wasn't.

He saw the Kanzaki on-screen walk around the counter and go into the living room looking for Selena while also checking it out before he went to Selena's room. From Kanzaki's memory after this, he walked toward Selena's door and knocked on it to come inside. After that, all the things that freaked him out happened which was why he was looking at the footage in the first place.

However, much to his surprise the Kanzaki in the video didn't go toward the door. Instead, he seemed to have slumped over and lay down on the couch! The Kanzaki on the screen had his face turned away from the camera so Selena and Kanzaki couldn't see his expression but soon enough he fell backward on the couch falling fast asleep without a single care in the world shocking Kanzaki.

"WHAT!" Kanzaki nearly shouted making Selena jump in surprise which Kanzaki quickly apologized for. The reason he was so weirded out by the footage was that he had no recollection of any of that. However, he couldn't deny definite video evidence of what he did.

Selena was about to stop the video feed but Kanzaki stuck his hand out placing his hand on top of hers, "Don't turn it off let's keep watching." Kanzaki said not taking his gaze away from the screen but taking his hand off of hers. He had placed his hand on hers out of reflex to get her to stop not thinking about it at all but he also didn't realize the effect it had on Selena.

Selena had a crazy smile on her face just behind Kanzaki's gaze after she had felt his hand touch hers. He had placed the match on the gasoline can setting the flame in her body but Selena also knew she couldn't pounce on Kanzaki at that moment or he would realize something was out of wack. She wanted him to think everything that happened the night before was just a bad dream and that nothing wrong had happened at all. For her to do that she needed to control herself at that moment which she somehow did.

Kanzaki continued watching the screen waiting for something strange to happen or something out of the ordinary while the unordinary was happening right behind him without his knowledge. No matter how long Kanzaki watched the video there was no change in what was happening until the door of Selena's room opened and she walked out to check on him.

When Kanzaki saw her come to check on him he felt warm inside knowing that she cared but at the same time he was scared because he didn't know what to think about what he experienced the night before.

'Was it all a dream? It felt too real to be a dream. Maybe I'm having some sort of PTSD from what happened after Landon showed up. Maybe I should talk to a doctor?' Kanzaki thought to himself inwardly unsure of what to think about what happened. One thing he did know for certain was that he needed to get out of there so he could collect his thoughts.


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