
Say Yes Juliet

'Him?!' Fria thought in surprise. She had not expected Kanzaki to message her at this time of the day or even in general. Even though she had chosen him for the event she hadn't expected to talk to him until multiple days later when the event began.

However, it was soon explained as she began reading the message Kanzaki had sent. The message was about how the streamer event was going to work and also thanking her for raiding him the other day.

Fria smiled when she saw that he appreciated the raid earlier in the week since she had been told by many people her viewers were not very nice to him at first. When she got that information from one of her mods she almost lost her cool and began shouting at her viewers in a rage since it would give her a bad reputation with him but one of her viewers told her he managed to turn their attitude around.

Fria was told that he was so good at the game and also so nice that many of them didn't say anything mean anymore so they could enjoy the stream. She was also told that he only had one mod that would ban anyone that even said one thing negative about Kanzaki.

'I wonder who they are?' Fria thought to herself thinking about the mod as she began typing a message back to Kanzaki. She wanted to make sure she came off as approachable as possible but she also thought that he had a great idea by practicing the days beforehand.

She hadn't even really thought of doing something like that and had planned to keep playing by herself until the event started. Winning the event really hadn't crossed her mind but if Kanzaki was interested in winning then so was she.

[Rose13: Thank you for messaging me! Don't worry about the raid the other day it was my pleasure. I watched one of your streams the other day and was impressed by your gameplay so I sent in some of my viewers for support. Sorry about some of them being mean. Also the practices I have no idea when they're going to start since I hadn't planned on doing any but it sounds like a great idea! I am going live soon after this if you want to play?]

When Fria sent this message she couldn't help but turn away from the screen. It was like when you finished a test and were handed back the results or when you text your crush something spicy and don't know how they will react. Even though you want to see the result you refuse to look at it because it might be bad and if you don't look at it somehow it will magically go away.

However, she couldn't escape from it because she had left her sound on so she could hear the sound when Kanzaki sent a message back. The temptation slowly crept inside her brain making her slowly but surely turn her head back toward the screen. Lucky enough for her it wasn't one of those times where you regret looking and want to jump off a building.

[Mask: That sounds great and thank you for the compliments! I was going to stream soon too so I'm glad we have time to play. Whenever you choose the other streamers just let me know and I can try to invite them unless you want to do it.]

The message was short and simple but it wasn't a bad result. It seems she was going to collab with someone for the first time in a while. The last time she did a collab with another streamer was the last time there was a streamer event. Most of the time she just did her own thing and it worked out more than it would have if she did collabs with others.

Since Kanzaki said he was streaming soon Fria also checked the clock realizing that it was time for her to start streaming as well, 'Uh oh.' She thought in surprise before typing back a response to Kanzaki as fast as possible. She knew that people were already waiting in her chat despite her stream time not being for another minute or two.

[Rose13: Alright! I will invite the rest of them tomorrow since I know that this would be too short notice. Here's my Cord tag so you can add me. My name is the same on the game as well so you can add me like that. Glad to finally be able to talk with you!]

Once Fria sent her message she clicked off Tweeter to start her stream while also calming down her fast-beating heart. She finally got the chance to possibly fix her relationship with Kanzaki. She didn't want to tell him she was the one behind the V-Tuber model but to instead build a good relationship and then tell him.

That way she had some ground to stand on because currently, she was sure he wanted nothing to do with her. Despite knowing how hard of a road she had ahead Fria had a smile as she opened her stream hitting the go-live button, "Hi everyone! Thank you for joining me for my stream today~"


'Well, she was pleasant.' Kanzaki thought to himself as he hit the go-live button for his stream. Rose13 had been a lot nicer than he had ever imagined but he blamed his thoughts on pre-conceived notions.

He thought that since her stream was so seductive and aimed at a certain type of male audience that she wasn't a nice person and a witch that would try and do him wrong but so far he had a great impression of her and cursed himself for being rude even if it was in his mind. He knew that he didn't want anyone judging him from an outside perspective either.

Within a few seconds of going live, the chat finally was turned on and Kanzaki could see the people that first arrived. However, the first chat that he saw made him a little concerned for the future of his career.



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