
I Wear My T-Shirt At Night

The message Kanzaki received was from a supervisor at Witch! It was easy to tell by the little symbol beside their name that said Witch representative on it. This was a huge shock to Kanzaki since he didn't think he would be getting a message from them for a while. He had been growing at a fast pace but normally the company was slower at directly messaging people.

However, Kanzaki realized how important this was and quickly clicked on the message to see what it said. As he began reading the message his previous smile only expanded until he thought to himself that he must have looked really creepy with all the wide smiles he had been giving.

[CakeKnight99: Hi I'm with the Witch staff and I would like to formally give you an invitation to become a Witch partner! When you join this program you will be opened up to many things including the ability to get donations on your channel when you stream! There are many others things that include memberships and even access to partner-only events! Speaking of partner-only events if you do accept to become a partner we would also like to invite you to play in our partner-only CounterUnknown event. We have seen you play this game at a very high level and would love it if you could join us. Reply when you can, thank you!]

When Kanzaki read the message he couldn't help but lean back in his chair with a grin. His plan had worked out on its own and didn't require nearly as many steps as he had intended. The reason why Kanzaki made his artist make so many emotes and emojis was for when he became a partnered streamer.

It was an incentive for those that became a member through a monthly membership. It let them feel as if they were a part of a group while also expressing their thoughts easier through the small images. He had planned many different streams in his mind where he might get the attention of Witch for a partnership but it fell right in his lap. Now the door to making money was wide open and he just needed to enter it.

In addition to that, he had even been offered to join a partner-only event. He had never heard of something like this before but he was excited to join especially since the game that they were playing was the same game he played 24/7 on his stream. It had topped every other game on the platform and was now the most actively streamed game.

Kanzaki not only loved the game but he was also very good at it. While playing on stream Kanzaki had entered the top 25 players in the world getting up there with some of the best pros the world had ever seen. Rose13 hadn't even made it this far and was sitting at 32nd place. The reasoning for this was simple, Kanzaki had yet to lose a game.

No matter who he went against or who his teammates were he had the ridiculous ability to always change the tide in his favor. That's why despite the major amount of games played difference Kanzaki was above Rose13 who had lost a few times.

'I wonder who all is in the event.' Kanzaki thought to himself as he sent a reply back to the representative. Luckily they were still awake and went through the entire process with Kanzaki. If he wouldn't have had that person's help he would have been stuck there for a long time.

[CakeKnight99: With that last form we're officially finished! Thank you for your time and welcome to the Witch family! You should be sent an email soon with the brackets for the event and also a date on which the event is being held. Of course, just for taking up your time during the event, we will give you compensation. Have a great night!]

Kanzaki told the person good night as well before getting up from his computer. It had already passed midnight and he still had to play games on stream in the morning so he went to bed once more without thanking Rose13. He promised himself that the next day he would thank her for raiding him the other day.

Like that Kanzaki went to sleep with many thoughts on his mind and there were many exciting things ahead.


'Finally, it's prepared.' Selena thought to herself with a smile as she sat back in her chair. On her computer screen there was a logo along with a bunch of other information. The information went with the logo in front of her which seemed to be the start of a new company.

This company was also Selena's way of getting closer to Kanzaki. It had taken her a long time to get it ready but with all of Landon's resources now belonging to her, she had more than enough to cover the expenses of her endeavor. Not only did she know it was going to be successful but at the same time, she could get closer to the one she loved the most.

'Ahhh~ So good~' Selena thought as she took a deep breath out of Kanzaki's shirt she had stolen. It was slowly losing its scent so she planned to sneak back in that night to grab another shirt. She needed to get her Kanzaki fix or something bad might happen.

That night another shirt was taken from Kanzaki's room without his knowledge and another shirt miraculously appeared within his dirty clothes basket.


'How is he so far ahead of me?!' Rose13 thought in anger as she looked at the computer screen in front of her. She had tried her best to become one of the best players in the world and she had completed that but there was one problem with it, Kanzaki was still ahead of her.

Ever since she knew about Kanzaki being a streamer and him also playing the game she was playing for some reason she felt like she needed to prove herself and become the best there was.


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