

Kanzaki held Selena tight for a long time as she cried in his arms. He had no idea what she had gone through and had no idea her trauma so the best he could do was to hold her and reassure her that everything would be ok now. He had never known someone who had been a victim of abuse like Selena had described so he didn't know the proper way to go about things but one thing he did know was that things needed to change.

Once Selena finally stopped crying and took her tear-filled eyes off of Kanzaki's chest she looked up at him with sadness still apparent in her eyes but also a thankfulness that wasn't apparent before, "Thank you for that." Selena said almost silently but Kanzaki still heard her since the only sound in the apartment were the two of them talking.

"Don't worry about it. I'm here for you now and will help you get away from that husband of yours." Kanzaki said with a smile while looking into Selena's eyes. It was clear she was still nervous and concerned about what was happening but the relief she was having seemed to outweigh any type of nervousness she may have had previously.

"Should I go ahead and call the police now?" Kanzaki questioned. He didn't want to waste time ignoring her abuse and wanted to get down to the bottom of it as soon as possible. The sooner Kanzaki could relieve some of her stress the better he would feel internally. He had become attached to her and didn't ever want to see her saddened face ever again.

When she heard what Kanzaki said she became a little paranoid wondering what her husband would do when he finds out she was going against him. There were also many doubts in her head or insecurities telling her that she would end up right back where she was before she met Kanzaki.

Somehow her husband would take her away and keep her locked up since she tried to speak up now but all of these thoughts went away when she looked into the eyes of Kanzaki who so eagerly wanted to help her. She was willing to call the police but there was one thing she wanted to check first, "Let me check these smoke detectors first." Selena said as she squat down and began looking at each of the detectors.

Kanzaki was confused about the fascination with the detectors. Even though it was a weird occurrence he was hoping it was just someone that wanted to freak him out which he would report to the police as well when he and Selena go to report the abuse she had been receiving.

As Kanzaki watched Selena look through the smoke detectors he didn't see anything strange about them but Selena wasn't the same. Selena while digging through one of the smoke detectors found a small hidden camera embedded inside the detector. It was so small that it wouldn't normally be visible under any circumstances.

The only reason she found it was due to the fact she took the entire detector apart searching every nook and cranny for something that was out of the ordinary. In addition to this, she had also been researching small cameras that would be easily hidden in areas, for scientific purposes of course.

Once Selena found the camera she checked every other detector and sure enough there was a single camera in every single one of the detectors. The way they were set up was so that the picture being filmed would be transmitted to another location which is where it could be watched and recorded.

'Who is after him?' Selena thought worried as she shoved some of the cameras into her pocket. She had no intention of telling Kanzaki about them so he wouldn't worry that someone was watching him. If he were to become paranoid about something like that then it would be a problem for her in the future.

Since she wasn't going to tell him she simply kept it to herself shoving every single one of the cameras in her handbag after opening a few detectors since she couldn't fit them all in the tiny pockets of her dress, "It looks like these are normal smoke detectors but that's still strange. I will have the police look into this but until then I will move you to another apartment if you want?" Selena said giving Kanzaki an offer that surprised him.

"I think that might be for the best thank you. That kind of weirded me out a lot more than I thought it would." Kanzaki said giving his honest opinion. He had the thought of moving to another apartment as well but he didn't want to be a pain for a small thing like this but since she was offering it he would take the deal.

Now that they had finally cleared up what they were going to do about Kanzaki and the weird person at his door it was finally time to report everything that had been happening with Selena, "Are you ready?" Kanzaki asked her as he gave her a slight side hug to support her since he saw her hands shaking slightly while she was holding the phone to dial 911.

At this point, he didn't consider her husband a real husband since he was a piece of garbage that had treated her terribly. She was her own single independent woman now and he planned to be there to support her.

Selena had her nerves at an all-time high as she touched her phone and began dialing the number but when she felt the familiar warmth once more supporting her she knew she could do anything she put her mind to, "Yeah, I'm ready." Selena said with a smile on her face as she typed 911 and hit the call button.

As this was happening they had no idea that someone was already looking at the footage from the cameras.


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Authors Note: Sorry for the late chapters today everyone. I had to get up at 7 am after staying up until 4 am. It eas quite the experience since I also had to leave my house a few hours after 7 am. After I left the house I stayed out for a family thing until only a few hours ago. I still haven't wrote Midnight Games but knew you guys wanted this more so I did it as fast as possible. Sorry once again and hope you all have a great night/day wherever you are. ALSO THE NEW POWER STONE THING IS OUT SO FOR EVERY 100 POWER STONES YOU GET AN EXTRA CHAP ON SUNDAY! SO GIMME ALL THE STONESSSS!

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