
Roses Are Red Violets Are Blue

After Kanzaki and his viewers tried explaining to the people from the raid how and why their streamer raided him they somewhat quieted down and began watching his gameplay instead of spamming bad messages.

More than 9,000 of them stayed quiet and began enjoying the stream while there was a small minority who couldn't help themselves because they were obsessed with Rose13. They wanted her and they saw Kanzaki as a threat since he somehow interacted with her, or so they thought.


[DogIsGood has been banned.]


[Mansplaining has been banned.]

[CuteWhale: Finally they're all gone. Thanks for the help mod!]


[Donutsaurio: WOOHOOOO!]

Kanzaki watched as many people began trying to taint his chat and trying to mess with him but his favorite mod in the world came in clutch banning them quickly making his stream a better place.

He quickly typed a thank you to his mod and went back to playing his game. He had no idea why Rose13 raided him and he would investigate it later but for now, he's going to take advantage of this opportunity to try and gain new viewers since they may enjoy his content.

There were multiple people that left after a few games since the only reason they were there in the first place was to listen to Rose13's amazing sensual voice but those that did stay really enjoyed Kanzaki's content and thought he was even better than Rose13 when it came to the game he was playing.

[KingDew: He's even better than Rose!]


[ByteZeroOne: O:]

Lots of people were enjoying his stream and so many people had begun following that Kanzaki had to momentarily turn off his follower alert and read them out loud when he got the chance. The stream continued like that until it ended later in the day. By that time Kanzaki had the biggest follower gain he had ever had in his entire life. There were so many that even after he was done streaming it continued to soar.

"Thank you all for joining! I hope you all enjoyed the stream and am excited to hang out with you all again tomorrow!" Kanzaki said with happiness thinking that today's stream had been one of the best ones he had ever had.

It could have gone terribly if not only he but his chat as well didn't reign in the new people but they did and many of the new people had enjoyed his content.

[Nxght: Thanks for the stream!]

[Owu: See you later!]

[zinny: Cya when you stream tomorrow it was a blast!]


After Kanzaki thanked all his followers once more he turned off the stream and finally stood up from his seat stretching widely, "EEEEE! That was awesome!" Kanzaki said stretching and then loudly shouting in happiness about how he felt on the stream.


Selena was feeling much different than Kanzaki about the stream. As usual, she was enjoying herself watching the stream while also playing the audio of Kanzaki complimenting her on repeat. She had a wide smile on her face while rocking back and forth on her bed with her monitor playing the stream.

Everything was going well for her since her whole day was going to be filled with Kanzaki. After the stream, she would be able to go over to his house to spend dinner together which opened up a plethora of possibilities for her.

'Nothing could make this day go bad.' Selena thought to herself but that thought was something that she would regret for the rest of the day.

While she was watching she suddenly saw that Kanzaki got a raid from someone. At first, she was calm and collected when she saw the raid but when she saw the name of the streamer she nearly fell off of her bed. While Selena had her off time she had begun researching other streamers to try and get a better grasp on how the Witch world worked.

Among the streamers that she had found while researching she had found Rose13 who was among the more adult category. She was intentionally sexual and attracted a mainly male audience while also being amazing at playing games.

This was fine to Selena and she respected her efforts but not when her efforts were pointed in Kanzaki's direction. Selena had seen how Rose13 played with men and she wouldn't let some random woman try to come and take her Kanzaki.

'Try and touch him and I will kill you~ He's mine, not yours~' Selena thought as she sat back up on her bed. She quickly minimized the screen of the stream before beginning to research everything she could find about Rose13.

Any messages or articles about the streamer that may lead to their real-life identity Selena looked for. Selena was on a mission while Rose13 had no idea what kind of animal was after her. However, before Selena went too far in research she checked back in on Kanzaki and banned a bunch of losers that would dare insult him.


'What should I wear?' Kanzaki thought to himself as he looked at his closet. Selena would be coming over in the next few hours and he had no idea how to go about accommodating her. He had never had people over to his apartment and he had also never had someone over for dinner.

He was also confused about how to dress due to the fact that it was a friendly interaction, it wasn't a date. While Kanzaki was looking at clothes he finally gave up and decided to search it up online but while he sat down on his computer he suddenly realized he had a notification from Cord.

'Who is this from?' Kanzaki thought to himself as he opened the application. He didn't message a lot of people recently since he had been so busy but when he opened the message and saw who it was from he almost passed out.


Witch: 9,634 Followers

Tweeter: 7,831 Followers

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