
2nd Stream

After Kanzaki watched Rose13 get thousands of dollars due to her seductive voice he decided it was time to turn the stream off and do something else or he would become depressed. If she were playing games or doing something else for some sort of content then he wouldn't have felt so bad but the fact that she was just talking and interacting while getting that much depressed him but he couldn't blame her, she had a talent and she used it to the best of her ability.

As the saying goes don't hate the player, hate the game.

Since Kanzaki had finished with his dinner he decided to check Cord once more just to be certain that the person he messaged didn't message back and when he confirmed that they didn't he decided to go to sleep.

As all sleep goes it was done in a moment and he was awoken by a very absurd alarm that he had set the night before, "IT'S TIME TO STREAM BRO! LIKE GET UP BEFORE I KICK YOU AND MAKE IT WHERE YOU CAN'T HAVE CHILDREN ANYMORE! WHO AM I KIDDING YOU WON'T EVEN GET TO HAVE CHILDREN NERD! AHHHHH!" The alarm said with his voice as it blared through the phone beside his bed.

He had recorded the alarm right before he went to sleep that way he didn't have to worry about oversleeping and it most definitely worked. In a fit of rage, Kanzaki shot up from out of his bed and smacked the silence button on the alarm turning it off and letting him begin his day.

Once Kanzaki was awake he got ready like he normally did before sitting down at his desk once more. Now that he had set up the stream before it was a lot easier this time and he felt like he was getting the hang of it. He felt so confident that he even went into the internal settings and started messing around with the alert system. He changed it from normal text to one of the programs provided themes which was a walking zombie with some slight text under it.

'This looks awesome!' Kanzaki thought with excitement once he made sure it worked. The feeling welling up within his chest when he learned something new and it worked was indescribable which also made him begin thinking about his first viewer from the day before.

Kanzaki remembered the wonderful feeling of them commenting and finally having someone join in his efforts to do something he liked. He then remembered that they said they would be back and he was quite curious whether they would join again or not, would they even know when to join?

When Kanzaki began thinking about what time he was streaming he began to panic realizing that this morning he started streaming earlier than the day before. His viewer had no idea what his streaming schedule was in the slightest!

When Kanzaki realized this he vowed to do something about it after the stream since he wanted anyone that joined to know when they could come back and enjoy his stream. With nothing else to do Kanzaki hit the go-live button and continued his adventure in streaming as a V-Tuber.

The stream started off simple as it did the day before with no one joining his stream at all. Kanzaki was quite used to it at this point so he just loaded up another game that he quite enjoyed. It was a battle royale game and he was quite immersed in it after a few games since no one had joined but he was still mindlessly giving commentary since at this point he felt like it was natural to talk to himself about the game he was playing while giving comments on different things.

However, during one of his slight breaks to crack his knuckles Kanzaki looked over toward the viewer count and saw the number go from a 0 to a 1 once more so he did his usual thing, "Welcome new viewer to the stream! I hope you enjoy yourself and have a great time!" Kanzaki said with enthusiasm as he felt the familiar happiness that he felt the day before when someone joined.

[Boss413: Thanks for having me again. I'm glad to see you're streaming!]

A chat came in from the viewer and Kanzaki was delighted to see that it was the same viewer that had appeared the day before. They seemed to be quite pleasant and polite while chatting so Kanzaki was even more delighted to have them as a viewer, "No problem at all you're welcome any time! I'm glad to be streaming and hope to do it pretty often for the next little bit so if you want to join me then I will be here!" Kanzaki said while moving his V-Tuber model up and as if he was nodding his head agreeing with himself.

[Boss413: I will most definitely join! Have you heard about the Super Flame convention coming up?]

The next chat that his only follower sent in the chat box left Kanzaki slightly stunned. If they were to ask him that question the day before then he would not have had an answer but now that he had seen the advertisement for it at the store and also looked it up online he knew exactly what they were talking about.

"Yes I heard about it recently! It seems like it would be super fun but I don't know if I will be able to go yet. If I can somehow work it out then I will be there to look at the different booths and meet people." Kanzaki said with a smile on his face explaining his thoughts on the matter.

While the night before he had thrown the idea of going completely out the window now that he was rested he had a new state of mind and thought that if there was a possibility of somehow fitting his new work schedule around it then he would go but he didn't know until he went and did an interview a few weeks from now.

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