
Passing By

The woman had no idea how to react. No one had ever cared whether she was having a good day or whether she was actually enjoying herself. Things like this were a foreign concept to her that she thought was only meant for others and not herself but when it was presented to her from this streamer it felt genuine and since she was the only one in the stream she knew it was directed right toward her.

The feeling rising in her chest was a warm one and she was not wanting it to go away so she didn't click off the stream and instead continued chatting with the streamer. She quickly put her slightly bruised and bloody hands on her keyboard and began typing in the chatbox.

[Boss413: My day has been normal, how about yours?]

She sent the message once she was done typing. In her mind she hoped that he didn't mind how proper she typed since this was the exact way she typed all day for her job. At this point it was almost a habit to type that way.

It didn't take long for the message to appear in the chatbox right beside the streamer's model. It seems that the streamer had set up a spot where the chat would be visible on screen to everyone watching.

"It has been pretty normal? Well, that's better than it being bad. Mine has been pretty great since this is my first-day streaming and I have a great viewer like you! It makes the experience quite amazing I must say." Mask said after he read the message in the chatbox. He continued to play the game afterward while giving slight commentary.

The woman would have continued chatting but she was met with shock after shock when interacting with the streamer. It was as if they were opening her up to a whole new plethora of feelings, things that she had never felt nor heard before. It was quite fantastic in her mind.... almost addicting.

She was about to continue typing when a voice interrupted her thoughts, "SELENA WHERE ARE YOU!?" A voice shouted in anger farther inside the apartment. When the woman now named Selena heard the voice she shook slightly and her previously smiling face turned into a frown. Once she knew that she was being called she knew that it would be a matter of time before they find her so it was better to just go to them. With that knowledge, she typed her final message before turning her pc off reluctantly.

[Boss413: Thank you for all the wonderful words and keep up the great work. I have to go for now but I will most definitely be back.]


Kanzaki streamed for a total of 8 hours soaking up every single moment that he spent live. It was an exhilarating experience despite there being no one watching him most of the time. While it was exhilarating when there was no one watching, the feeling he got when someone finally joined and began chatting with him was out of this world. He felt amazing not only on the outside but on the inside as well. He felt happiness in his chest and there was a wide smile on his face.

He almost jumped up and down screaming when he got the alert that someone followed him but he maintained his composure just in case someone were to be turned away by that kind of reaction. Little did he know that it would have had a more positive effect on the viewer than a negative one.

After the viewer left no one else arrived so Kanzaki ended his stream and began relaxing for a little bit. He began leaning back in his chair looking on his phone at the Witch app or more particularly, his account and the little follower number that changed from a 0 to a 1.


Kanzaki laughed at himself when he heard his stomach growl and he realized just how hungry he was. He hadn't eaten anything in nearly 15 hours due to the excitement he had with trying to get his stream ready and then napping. Then when he began streaming, food was the last thing on his mind since he was enjoying it too much.

However, now that he was done streaming for the day and left to his own devices he needed to get something to eat. With this in mind, Kanzaki walked over to his fridge opening it up to look for something small and easy to eat but once he looked inside he realized that his fridge was completely empty! Not a single spec of food was present on any of the racks inside the refrigerator.

'Nothing?!' Kanzaki thought in a surprised voice as he double-checked each rack in the fridge checking for even a single item that could give him some kind of sustenance but when he finally accepted that there was nothing that only left one option, the store.

Kanzaki quickly got himself ready by putting on an outfit that he hadn't worn the day before and then he walked outside of his apartment onto the streets of the city. Kanzaki was a little luckier than the rest when it came to the placement of his apartment.

It just so happened that his local grocery store was only a 10-minute walk away. It was the perfect distance for both exercise and convenience to be combined. Despite the grocery store being in a city, it wasn't a mall or large store in the slightest. Instead, it was more like a gas station on one of the corners that held everything a person could hope for. They even had pre-made meals that were made in the deli they had!

As Kanzaki was walking down the street toward the store he accidentally bumped into a man who almost fell over but luckily he was able to keep his balance, "I'm so sorry about that." Kanzaki said quickly to the man hoping that the man wasn't the type to be a douche about everything.

"No worries at all. Just watch when you're walking." The man said before going about his business. Kanzaki apologized to the man once more before he continued walking toward the store but little did he know that someone heard his voice and recognized it from the stream he did earlier.

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