
Time To Go Live

[Mask: I am very interested! Do you have some sort of price in mind and may I see it?]

[Rainbow Bunny: Awesome! I can send some pictures of it over for you to look at and then we will talk about a price.]

Kanzaki smiled at the artist's messages excited at the fact that they seemed willing to help him out. After a few seconds of waiting the artist sent a picture of the model they were talking about. Kanzaki couldn't help but smile in awe at the model since he really liked it!

The body wasn't shown in the picture but the face was. It was a person with black hair that matched his own along with a black bandanna-like mask with blue stitches all along the front of it. However, that wasn't Kanzaki's favorite part. His favorite part was the small detail on the character's left eye. There was a scar that went in a straight line from the top of the eyelid down to the bottom making it where the character couldn't open their eyes since they were presumably blind in that eye.

This kind of look Kanzaki found to be the coolest and he really liked how it looked. It even matched one of his favorite characters from an anime he watched. Once Kanzaki knew that he wanted the model it was time for the hard part, buying it.

[Mask: This is amazing! I would most definitely be interested in buying it. Do you have a price in mind?]

Once the artist began typing Kanzaki began crossing his fingers hoping that the price was something that he could afford and still be able to live for a while but the answer he got surprised him more than any price tag they could have thrown out.

[Rainbow Bunny: Are you planning to start streaming with this model or is it for something else?]

Kanzaki was left in slight shock when asked this question but for the first time ever he admitted his interest in streaming to another person.

[Mask: Yes I plan to begin streaming tomorrow.]

[Rainbow Bunny: Tomorrow huh? Well you definitely picked an interesting time to get your model, right before you start streaming.]

Kanzaki laughed at this but decided to withhold the information that he had decided to start streaming in general just a few hours prior. If he would have told the artist that then they may have fallen out of whatever chair they were in.

[Mask: Yeah I got a little busy and it got to this point. I do plan on streaming every day though which is why I became so desperate to find one.]

[Rainbow Bunny: Well, I don't normally do this but I haven't had a lot of work lately and this model has just been getting dusty. How about this, I will give you the model for free but in return when you get more followers you have to promote me and my work, sound like a deal?]

'What!' Kanzaki screamed inside his mind. This was not an outcome he had expected at all. Kanzaki was prepared to pay close to $2,000 if it really came down to it since he had never felt this excited before but they decided to throw the price tag out the window and come up with a price of their own.

This price sounded fantastic to Kanzaki since he had already planned to help out the artist that helped him as much as he could. He knew that asking for something like this was not common at all and he just so happen to be lucky enough to find someone. Plus it was not bad if he were to advertise the artist, there was no reason not to.

[Mask: That sounds great to me! You have a deal!]

Kanzaki wasted no more time and sent the text before the artist decided to change their mind. The artist then didn't text back for a few minutes which scared Kanzaki slightly but luckily after waiting a little longer they sent another message back but this time with a file.

[Rainbow Bunny: This is the file that contains the model and everything with it. It has been great doing business with you! If you need anything else don't hesitate to ask!]

With this message Kanzaki quickly gave his thanks while downloading the file onto his computer. He didn't check whether or not the file was corrupted since he had checked out the artist account and saw that they were somewhat reputable so he just didn't worry about it.

Now that he had the model Kanzaki leaned back in his chair sighing in relief but he suddenly had a realization, 'How do I even use this thing?!'

Kanzaki had never dealt with something like this before in the entirety of his life and it wouldn't be wrong to say he was a complete newbie to anything that involved V-Tubers or streamers. The only thing he had done is watch the streamers and nothing else.

With this new information, Kanzaki spent the next 6 hours figuring out everything he could about streaming with a V-Tuber model until he was satisfied. Once he had learned enough that he thought he could begin streaming he took a nap and woke up later to finally begin his journey.

"Let's begin!" Kanzaki said as he shot out of bed.

With this energy Kanzaki quickly went to his computer and set up the streaming software he had learned about the night before. In addition to this, he also set up his V-Tuber model to be placed on the bottom left side of the screen.

Just to be certain that everything was working Kanzaki began opening his mouth over and over again toward his pc camera which was copied by the model on screen. Kanzaki then began moving his head back and forth with different motions which were then shown on screen by the model.

Once Kanzaki was done testing he prepared the game he was going to play and set up the stream. Once everything was finally ready he pressed the go-live button.

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