
The Raider Den

A solid steel door blocked Kevin's path as he reached the other end of the courtyard. It wasn't a part of the original building but had been recently installed by the Raiders who had taken over the effluent treatment facility.

As Kevin approached the door, he noticed the CCTV camera overhead. Since the Raiders already knew he was there, he didn't bother destroying it. Instead of trying to avoid showing his face, he stared right back into the lens to let the Raiders know he was coming for them.

Curling his fingers into a tight fist, Kevin punched the door with his right hand, ripping it from its hinges. All it took was another firm shove to bring the door down. 

Scanning the area with his Bionic Scanning Laser, Kevin made his way to the stairwell leading to the upper floors. He didn't pick up any human heartbeats on this level, but his AI cautioned him about the presence of organic life forms on the upper floors.

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