
Retaking Sorus (3)

When the sisters reached the roof of the casino, the rest of the Scrappers were already waiting on their hoverbikes. They could have left long ago, but they chose to wait for the twins.

Cairo and Mira were out of breath and panting heavily. Running up two long flights of stairs had set their hearts racing, and their legs were trembling from the effort. It took them a while to catch their breaths and steady their nerves.

"If this doesn't work...they'll just...repair the casino," Mira said, gasping for breath.

"I don't care. We need to get out...of here." Cairo pointed at the sky. "Those choppers are moving in pretty fast. Get...on your bike."

Mira didn't argue anymore. With the timer running close to two minutes and the choppers closing in on their location, they didn't have much of a choice.

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