
Hold the line

The laser dome encircling Lazarus had been breached by a pack of twenty Zaphounds led by two Galvatrons, which triggered a warning siren. Alarmed by the noise, Kurt immediately accessed the security cameras outside and put their live feeds on direct display.

Kevin and the others in the room watched the whole pack of Zaphounds running toward the shelter entrance. However, before they could get close, Kurt activated the automatic turrets outside. Six automated miniguns mounted on flat, round platforms popped out of the sand and stopped the Zaphounds dead in their tracks. 

As soon as the turrets detected hostile machines nearby, they started firing at the enemy. Armor-piercing 9mm rounds tore through the Zaphounds, shredding them in an instant. Only the lightly armored Galvatrons were able to withstand the bullet storm, but the rest of the pack was reduced to scrap.

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