Vernon's frown got deeper, and he said, "If you want to buy something from a convenience store, just call the front desk, and they will bring it to you."
"N—No, I…" Chloe wondered if she had to be honest because she knew Vernon wouldn't allow her to go if he knew the real reason. But she had promised herself to be more truthful to him, so they wouldn't misunderstand each other.
Thus, she replied, "I… I have to go to a police station."
Vernon raised his brows subconsciously, "Why? What happened?"
"Something bad happened to my family. An officer called me, saying that Aaron gave him my phone number, because he—and the rest of the boys, need me so much right now."
Vernon's eyes darkened instantly, "Did he call you with an official number from the NYPD?"
Chloe shook her head.
"Did he specify what kind of incident happened to your nephews?"
Chloe shook her head again.
"It's a trap," Vernon said curtly. "Don't fall for it."
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: