Chelsea felt a sharp pain in her ankle. It seemed that she accidentally twisted it when that old hag suddenly grasped her ankle and made her lose her balance.
She winced in pain but continued dragging her leg towards the boys' bedroom door.
'Just a little more, Chelsea. Just a little more and you will become Mrs. Chelsea Gray! All you have to do is to kill those four children, and you can return to Vincent. He will handle the rest!' Chelsea pushed herself through her pain. Of course, it took a great deal of mental fortitude for Chelsea to kill her mother and, soon, her children.
But she kept imagining Vincent's handsome face as he stood under the lamppost, smiling at her with his hand open, and said, 'I've been waiting for you, my love.'
That imagination brought joy to Chelsea's heart. Somehow, she didn't feel all that sad knowing that she'd be the one who ended the lives of five people today.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: