Vernon darted his eyes towards the old Principal, who hunched her shoulder cowardly. Again, he couldn't believe what he had just heard and how Chloe had never told him about the whole thing. Had he known that Mackie had been bullied for eight months straight, he would move her out of that school much sooner.
Vincent nodded in approval, "Yep, that's right," then he glanced at his Little brother. "Don't you see, Vernon? I've been using my daughter as a way for me to keep Chloe around. I know that Chloe would always be under my control as long as I have control over Mackie."
"You can even ask her what kind of bullying I did," Vincent's eyes returned to the old Principal, and he continued his showboating. "Go on, I want him to know everything."
Mrs. Andrew glanced at Vernon before lowering her head quickly. She didn't dare to look longer because Vernon was glaring at her back, which terrified her.
"Uh… Uh…."
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: