Vernon was astonished as he listened to Diamond.
What she said was true and obvious, even in Vernon's eyes.
He knew that Chloe kept on lying to her daughter. She insisted that Mackie was an innocent kid who knew nothing about the real world and should be kept that way because she was too young to understand.
But the thing was…
Even Vernon could see that Mackie was far smarter for kids her age. She might look innocent and pampered, but her observant skill was developed earlier than other kids. She would eventually learn about everything simply by observing, just like Vernon when he was young.
But he could also see why it would affect Chloe greatly.
Vernon had to admit that he had also sinned.
Because he exploited Chloe's desperation to give her daughter food and shelter after they left Vincent's mansion. He intentionally gave her no option but to return and beg him.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: