
The First Upper Moon

Author's note: after finishing the chapter go to my other novel: Return Of The Demon God Dusk, I assure you that you will love it and I hope you will support it in collections.


In a cave where the birth of three children was taking place in which two of the three had already been born and only the third was missing, everyone was impatiently waiting for the third child, until he was born, however his parents did not know what to feel seeing his son..

Fear, pain, anguish, disgust. It was difficult to know, his third son Naruto as he was named, was different and that was not what was wrong, in fact that he was different could be considered good, but this was not good at all, that child literally had 6 eyes.

His parents watched as that child turned and looked at them with his 6 expectant eyes.

they didn't know what to do, especially because the energy that child radiated was not normal, it was malevolent and Dark, but they couldn't keep thinking or decide what to do when a masked man attacked.

Scene change In the village of Konoha everything was calm until the nine-tailed fox attacked.

And after the fourth fought against that fox and the third sacrificed himself to seal it in the two eldest sons, the battle ended and there was only one last decision left to make.

The fourth hokage naruto's father looked at that child with disgust if he could be considered as one, while his mother looked at him with pity, both

parents looked at the child one last time while he was in front of a door or rather an orphanage that was where they decided to leave him.

The mother turned once more to look at her son, who looked at her with annoyance in his eyes.

She only lamented, but she could only remember one thing about her son. Upper Moon 1 -what was written in her eyes was the only thing she would remember of her little boy.

Naruto watched as his parents left and to be honest he didn't know what to feel about what happened, after all he was just a baby and not to mention he couldn't continue here.

He had to go, he didn't know why, but he knew he had to run away, so without further ado his body began to grow, his clothes were destroyed, but new ones appeared in their place, a purple yukata was now what he had on instead of his improvised clothes that he had.

That baby or what was once a baby was changed for a child maybe 7 years old, but that was more than enough for that child.

The little boy began to run, why, well that boy, the only thing he knew was that dawn was approaching and when that happened he had to hide, but that was not the only thing that happened here, that boy ran in a different way, he did not run like a child, he ran like an experienced swordsman, he even had a sword that he created with his own flesh and blood unconsciously.

Edited by: Demon_Asmodeo

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