
Lim is Cherry, Yun element.

Three of them stop in a alley and start panting they all are out of breath in the fear that they will follow them they don't dare to stop they only stop when they are sure that no one was following them.

"hahaha" they were laughing at thrre situation they never thought that they will stole things from people again.

"i never thought i will have the chance to enjoy the fun of causing trouble" lim spoke while laughing but her word remind both of them something.

"who are you" they spoke in union.

"what do you mean who i'm" she was confuse why they are asking her this type of question.

"we are from earth" yun spoke lim pause for a sec before widening her eyes.

"holy moly sh*t i'm from china"

"me to"

"me three"

"oh my, oh my" "my name is cherry what is your"

"f*ck who this is possible"

"sh*t it is real"

"what with your reaction" she look both of them with confuse look on her face.

"cherry it's me rosie" "ahhh rosie it that really you" she nodded her head lim look at yun for reply she just raise her eyebrow and spoke.

"last time you spill coffe on my favorite t-shirt"

yun just remind her the last thing she had done in her past life lim roll her eyes she kniw there was only one person in there group who was crazyly obsessed with black and that was lily and spoke.

"you only had black T-shirt in your closet how can i know which black t-shirt is your favourite miss E-Girl" lim remind her the fact that her closet used to fill with only black cloth but she calm.

"it doesn't mean that you can take my cloth" she frown her eyebrow them she thought about the stain on the t-shirt she want to beat her a**.

"okay sorry for that" she quickly apologize when she notice that lim is becoming angry.

"can you both stop fighting right now we are not in earth so let forget about it and look at the book for which we had done lot effort's"

feng-yan remind them of the main motive of them caming here.

"lets go back to the valley" with that they head toward her valley when they rrach there feng-yan told them to came at her hut cause the babies are alone both of them get agree with it.

when they enter the room xia was at the edge of the bed and looking down from the bed but from the sudden noise of the door she was stratled and lost her balance and fell down feom the bed.

feng-yan face went pale yun was fast enough to react she use her spirit qi to create a small tornado under xia saving her from the fall lim quickly take xia in her arms.

feng-yan check on xia to see if she had injured herself after feng-yan was sure that xia alright then she put her back on the bed the babies was now one year old and start trying to walk they had very quickly learn to crawl it give feng-yan lot head ache to take care of the kids they can stand up but not for much time they had grown up much faster then she had expected.

"you had air element it is a rare element what is your beast" lim bombared yun with questions.

"it must be bird spirit beast alway has been based on the element of the people" feng-yan doesn't have much reaction to yun spirit beast but she also want to know what kind of spirit beast yun have.

yun doesn't speak but close her eyes and a large egg appear infront of them it was green in colour with transparent veins wrap around it both feng-yan and lim was shock to know that yun spirit beast is still a egg it mean her spirit beast will be very powerful beast.

"its cool yun" lim spoke while admiring the egg in front of her it was very pretty egg with ancient rune on it surface with shiny laster of green on it.

it look breath taking they want to touch it but realize that only owner can touch there spirit beast it make lim disappointed she really want to touch it.

"it take me lot of effort's to make egg this large it was size of small bird egg it took lot of precious treasure to make the egg this large"

yun spoke in solemn voice she was worried about it she don't know how much time it will take the egg to broke and the beast to appear.

"i don't even know what kind of spirit beast it is I need to wait untill the egg broke so i can get to know what kind of spirit beast i have" yun spoke in regretting tone.

"don't worry you will get to know about your spirit beast look at us we don't even know how to cultivate with this kind of this spirit beast" lim spoke while telling yun about there condition she nodded her head.

"okay lets not talk about it let's look at this book for which we had cause lot of trouble to ourself" feng-yan try to relax the situation.

"yes lets look at the book" with that she open her book they all join there head together to read the book.

The book was filled with various kind of plant spirit beast they never had read about this kind of spirit beadt in there life in the end thry find the spirit beast which match the condition of lim there was even the photo of the beast , the detail of it and the way of the cultivation that suits the person with this type of plant spirit beast.

feng-yan and yun was surprise with the information written in the books they had not expected that lim beast will have this kind of power it is very powerful.

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