
Chapter 60: An Ambush, a Trick, and a Dream

Warning: violent scene. Please skip this chapter or proceed with precautions for readers sensitive to violent scenes.

Meanwhile, a week ago, Sophia continued her work to gather the tree branches. As Sophia would need the logs too, Mooney helped her by giving instructions to create an ax from a middle-size rock. 

"Little pup, throw the rock on a bigger rock. Then, when it is torn, you can shape it easier."

So, Sophia did as Mooney said and threw the rock to a bigger rock. She needed five times to crack the rock. Sophia gasped for air as she was breathless, and her sweat poured heavily. Later, she placed a chipped rock on the larger rock, sat, and laid her body on the ground. 

"Pop, I need a rest first. I have no energy left."

"Yes, have a rest first, little pup. You did great!"

Sophia smiled as she was proud of herself too. "Do you think so, Pop Mooney?"

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