
The God of Games

From evening tonight, Satria continues to play his game. For him, the game is the only outlet for bullying and insults from his peers at school. He imagined all the dungeon bosses he explored as his peers, so it didn't take long for Satria to finish all the dungeon floors in tonight's Mythical World RPG game.

"If you didn't take advantage of the strength and power of your parents, then you would have been battered long ago!" Satria grumbled while staring at the ceiling of his room.

"In my entire life, I will never forgive their behavior during these three years in high school. They will become my slaves in this world one day!" continued Satria while clenching his fists tightly. He can't wait to graduate from high school and start his path of success to take revenge on his peers.


There was a notification in the Mythical World RPG game email that was still on. Satria had not logged out of the game. Satria hastily opened the incoming in-game message. It turned out that several dungeon clearing prizes came in. Satria immediately claimed everything. I don't know how many times this was the number of times he had cleared all the dungeons in just a few hours.


"Update notification?" Satria thought when he saw another notification in his in-game message.

"Dear player Mythical World RPG. We inform you that tomorrow all game servers will be conducting maintenance to add a major game update. New maps, new cities, new items, new dungeons, job class adjustments, NPC improvements, new maximum levels of level 100, new missions, and so on," said Satria reading the message.

"We will send the updated details to all players' emails. After this, a survey will appear for the Mythical World RPG game players. Please, all of you, fill it out. Thank you," continued Satria, reading the continuation of the message.

"It's cool if there is an increase in the maximum level," said Satria with a beaming face. He immediately closed the message notification pop-up. A survey appears for players. All the columns and options in the Satria direct survey are filled in.

"Please fill in what you wish for the Mythical World RPG game in the future. What are the new features? New rare event? Or a new job class?" Satria muttered, reading the last part of the survey that had to be filled out by him. Satria immediately smiled and chose 'other' at that time. A column of writing appeared to be filled in.

"I hope the Mythical World RPG game will progress to feel even more realistic," Satria typed, then he pressed the finish button after filling out all the surveys.


There was an email notification from his cellphone. When he checked, it turned out to be an email thanking the Mythical World RPG game developer for filling out a survey from them. Satria immediately took a deep breath and got up from his chair. He saw that it was already two in the morning at a glance. Satria immediately turned off his computer and lay down on the bed to rest. He hoped that starting tomorrow, at least the bullying from his peers would lessen a bit.


The next day Satria woke up when his cell phone alarm rang loudly. It was already half-past five in the morning. Satria hastily washed his face and went out to find breakfast. After getting breakfast, he returned home, showered, changed clothes, and ate. After that, at half-past seven in the morning, he immediately left on foot to go to school.

On the way, he could no longer feel any enthusiasm. If possible, he wanted to skip school. But if the school finds out, his scholarship will be terminated. Like it or not, Satria has to stay in school despite receiving bad treatment from his peers. From behind suddenly heard the sound of a motorbike approaching.

"Sat, Sat," someone called out from behind him. Suddenly Satria looked back.

"Bastard! Hahaha .." said the man who brought the motorbike when passing Satria. It turned out that it was just a group of his underclassmen.

"Bastard, hey bastard," said another, laughing. They seemed to deliberately slow down their motorbike near Satria to make fun of him. But Satria kept walking and ignored him.


Suddenly a motorbike approached him. His underclassman, riding him, kicked him hard until he fell. After that, they hastily left while laughing in satisfaction. Satria just sighed deeply, then got up again and walked to school. Satria could only take a deep breath and reorganize his clothes.

However, after entering the school area, the Vanzard group suddenly came. They immediately grabbed Satria's hand and forced him to go with them. Vanzard's friends immediately slammed Satria to the ground in the school garden.

"What is this?" asked Satria, sitting on the grass while feeling pain.

"You looked at me yesterday with annoyance, didn't you? Now let's finish here," Vanzard replied arrogantly as he adjusted his glasses.

"Beat him," Vanzard ordered.

"Ready, boss," replied his friends.



Several times, the sound of fists hitting Satria's body could only hold his head. Blood began to flow from his nose and mouth. Vanzard immediately ordered his friends to take Satria's pocket money. They forcibly searched Satria's clothes until they found his money.

"Only one dollar, boss," said Vanzard's friends.

"Tch, what a cuckoo, what are you doing with this kind of money. While carrying Satria's money, breathing isn't enough either," said Vanzard. But Satria just stayed silent and didn't respond.


Vanzard slammed his shoe into Satria's stomach until he winced in pain. After that, the bell rang, signaling that all students had to enter. Vanzard immediately put Satria's money into his pocket.

"But this kind of money is pretty good for a top-up in the Mythical World RPG game," said Vanzard. Satria looked surprised to hear that and looked at Vanzard's back from behind.

"Well, what's that for, boss? The top-up is at least two dollar," said Vanzard's friend with a laugh.

"Then help fight the dungeon boss on the thirtieth floor, boss," added another of Vanzard's friends.

"Small, yesterday I just finished off the boss of the fiftieth-floor dungeon with Andre and the others," said Vanzard as he walked away.

"So they also play the MW RPG game, right?" Satria thought as he got up.

"Fighting the dungeon's boss on the fiftieth floor with many player is proud, huh?" thought Satria. He could even defeat the final dungeon boss on the seventh floor by himself. Satria smiled for a moment. He intends to track down their MW game account and perform player-killing on all of them tonight.

Satria went to his class happy because there was finally a chance for him to take revenge, even though it was only in the game. Satria walked right behind Vanzard and his friends. It turned out that there was already a social study teacher teaching inside. He asked why Vanzard and the others were late. They said they should go to the toilet first. They were immediately allowed to sit in their seats.

"Why are you also late, Satria?" asked the social studies teacher.

"I also went to the toilet, sir," answered Satria.

"Toilets. Stand you in class! Go to the toilet for so long!" snapped the teacher. Satria just sighed deeply and stood in the corner of his classroom right near the entrance.

"Scholarship students are late," sneered Vanzard. Everyone in the class immediately laughed at that.

"Shame on you!" Andre said while pelting Satria with paper balls.

The other students followed Andre, throwing paper balls at Satria until the class was scattered. Still, the teacher who taught did nothing, as if he didn't see it. For Satria himself, it is not strange. He is sure that he will also have to clean up his classroom after this.

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