

"Hasta, I suggest that if you really want to reduce your pain, you should follow this routine therapy. Emphysema disease can only be slowed down but the lung damage itself cannot be cured except with a lung transplan." said Dr. Husin as Hasta's personal doctor who had long maintained Hasta's condition when he dropped because of Emphysema in his lungs.

"I will take the therapy if it can prevent the damage to my lungs," said Hasta in a deep voice.

"You can come here once a week so that I can closely monitor the results of your therapy," said Doctor Husin seriously.


At the hotel...

"Mr. Rahmat, it's late...why hasn't Mr. Hasta come yet?" asked Hanin feeling afraid to be alone in the room.

"Still on the way maybe, Miss. Should Miss Hanin just call Mr. Hasta?" said Rahmat, feeling Hanin's anxiety.

"I don't know how to use this phone, Mr. Rahmat," said Hanin wanting to cry.

"Sorry Miss Hanin, here I show you how to use it." said Rahmat showing how to use her cellphone.

Because Hanin's brain is smart and her memory is very strong, Hanin can only use it for a short time.

"I tried to call Mr. Hasta, sir?" said Hanin to Rahmat.

"Please, Miss Hanin." Rahmat said with a very relieved heart because Hanin was also concerned about Hasta.

"Hallo... Mr. Hasta, it's me.. Hanin." Hanin said in a nervous voice because it was the first time using a cellphone.

Hanin waited a long time for Hasta's answer.

"Yes, Hanin, what's wrong?" answered Hasta there, who was actually undergoing therapy which was only a short time away.

"Hasta still long?" asked Hanin with a feeling that was still awkward.

"It will be over soon, you just sleep first." Hasta answered while looking at Husin who gave the last injection.

"Where is Mr. Hasta?" asked Hanin courageously.

"You still need friends, you just need to sleep first, okay?" said Hasta who didn't want Hanin to know about his illness.

"Okay sir, don't take too long, sir? I'm afraid to be alone here." Hanin said honestly.

"Hem... sleep Nin, I'll be back now." Hasta said, unable to bear to hear Hanin's fear.

After finishing calling Hasta, Hanin sat on the long sofa. She couldn't close her eyes, her gaze fixed on the door that was still closed.

Hanin waited almost thirty minutes, when she heard the sound of the door opening, Hasta stood with a pale face. Hanin stood up from her seat and ran to hug Hasta.

"Mr Hasta!! I'm scared!" said Hanin hugging Hasta's waist tightly. Hasta's body stumbled backwards to get Hanin's very tight hug.

"You haven't slept Hanin yet?" asked Hasta still in Hanin's arms.

"I've been trying to sleep sir, but I can't." Hanin said feeling comfortable and protected in Hasta's arms.

"Let's go to sleep now, don't be afraid anymore.. I'm here." Hasta said leading Hanin to the bed.

Hanin complied when Hasta told her to get into bed.

"Now sleep, Nin, it's getting late." said Hasta who sat beside Hanin.

Hanin tried to close her eyes, her hand gripped Hasta's hand very tightly.

Currently only Hasta is owned by Hanin, who really cares about Hanin. And Hanin really believes in Hasta.

With Hasta's caress on her forehead, Hanin felt comfortable and calm until she fell asleep in her sleep.

"Mr. Hasta, this is warm water to drink the medicine, Tuan Hasta." said Rahmat who had knocked on the door without realizing Hasta who was daydreaming.

"Thank you Mr. Rahmat." Hasta said with a smile.

"Sir, why didn't Mr. Hasta just tell Miss Hanin that Mr. Usman, Miss Hanin's father had written a letter for Miss Hanin to marry Mr. Hasta? only after Miss Hanin married you, Mr. Usman's company under Mr. Hasta could belong to Miss Hanin," said Rahmat, advising Hasta.

"Hanin has rejected me, Rahmat, I don't want to force her," said Hasta, who had not felt what it was like to love and be loved for a long time.

"But sir, how can the company be the property of Miss Hanin if Miss Hanin is not married to Tuan Hasta?" asked Rahmat who felt very sorry for Hasta's way of life.

"I also don't know Rahmat, we'll just think about it later, until Hanin grows up," said Hasta, who intended to let go of Hanin's grip, But Hanin's hand didn't let go.

"Rahmat, can I ask you to help me get the medicine on the table," said Hasta who was forced to drink his medicine on the bed.

"What about the results of the last examination of your illness?" asked Rahmat, who was always worried about Hasta's health.

"It's not good Rahmat, my lungs can't be cured other than a lung transplant, and at this time I can only do therapy so that it doesn't get wider." said Hasta with a desperate look.

Rahmat suddenly burst into tears, sharing Hasta's sadness.

"Grace why are you crying? just don't cry. If Hanin finds out, I feel bad as if I took advantage of Hanin." said Hasta while rubbing the back of Rahmat who was very old.

"How can I not be sad, Sir, a person as good as you gets a tough test like this," said Rahmat while wiping his tears.

"We have to be patient Rahmat, I hope I can live long to be able to take care of Hanin until she grows up," said Hasta patiently.

"Alright sir, it's getting late now. Hasta better rest, I'll say goodbye first." said Rahmat getting up from his seat and leaving the room.

Hasta took a deep breath looking at Hanin who was sleeping soundly.

Hanin's hand still gripped his hand tightly.

"I hope one day you can love me Nin, so that you can read your father's letter soon." Hasta said trying to calm down with the feelings in his heart.


Slowly Hanin's eyes opened when she felt she was hugging something. And it was true that Hanin saw Hasta sitting back with his eyes closed. And Hanin's hand hugged Hasta's thigh.

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