
Developments During The Celebrations

{If you want to read ahead go to my https://www.(p)-(a)-(t)-(r)-(e)-(o)-(n).com/easyread}

~~~(POV: Raenon Targaryen)~~~

~~~(Current Age: 16 Years)~~~

~~~(Location: The Great Pyramid, Meereen, Essos)~~~

~~~(Date: 301 AC)~~~

We're two days into the seven-day celebration of the new year, and many of the city guard's reserves are being called into service due to the increased population and crime. There haven't been any deaths, but Jorah has warned me that it's likely to happen.

As of right now, I'm spending time with Aly and Jae. They're sleeping on each other using the bed I share with my Queens.

They tuckered themselves out, and now sleep has taken them. Caelex is resting on the stone floor. The crimson dragon is growing steadily. Soon, it'll be too big to walk around with Jae anymore.

Margaery is currently with Oberyns daughters. Making them feel at home as much as she can. Trying to establish a friendship with the girls. Oberyn himself is with Ellaria. They're meeting with the merchants guild in the city.

My beloved sister is taking a bath to help calm her nerves. She's in the next room. All I have to do is stand up and walk to a connecting door. She deserves time to herself, so I'm not with her. Letting her unwind is good.

A breath enters my lungs as I lean back in my chair and focus on the paper that lies on my desk. My hand runs through my hair as I relax and think about this new development.

Varys has sent me vital information.

Robb Stark and Stannis Baratheon have met. They've combined their forces and will march South in the coming months. Varys has also warned me of a woman that Stannis has on his side.

A Red Priestess.

I'm familiar with her magic and her power. The people of Asshai are familiar to me, having been sheltered by one before making my way West of The Bone Mountains.

"That could be a problem..."

The magic such a woman carries is dangerous. That's the same magic Stannis used to kill his brother and seize all his forces.

Varys has also told me that Stannis has burned his only daughter alive.

"I don't know how someone could do that to their own child... The thought itself makes my stomach turn..."

I'm a father of two, soon to be three. I'd never sacrifice any of them. Then again, my magic doesn't require a sacrifice. While it's not as sinister as other's magic, people this far West still fear me for the things I can do.

The Dragon Of Blood is a moniker that seems to be written in the history books now...


A soft shout of my name comes from the bathroom Dany's in. Her voice has no urgency or pain, so I calmly make my way there. As I enter the bathroom, my eyes land on an angel.

The sister I share everything with is relaxing in the lofty stone bath. Large enough for ten people. It's filled to the brim with bubbles and aromatic odors.

"What does my ever-so beautiful dragoness need of her brother..."

My voice has a slight tease as I approach the edge of the circular stone tub. Sitting myself down and running a hand through her hair.

A brilliant smile forms on her features, and she grabs my arm. Pulling me in. Fully clothed. As I bring my head out of the warm water, laughter comes from her.

"What? It's not like I need a reason to see my husband. A reason to want you here. Come, spend some time with me. Take off those soaking clothes."

Her words come out calmly as she finishes her laughs. I obey the mother of our children. After getting my soaking clothes off, I sit next to her. My arm wrapping around her shoulder and bringing her into my form closer.

There is a comfortable silence between us, but it doesn't last long as I feel a hand that I've felt many times start rubbing my thigh.

"Mmm... I'd say I like where this is going if you weren't about to pop..."

A shallow chuckle reverberates around the room, and a breath enters my sister. A long exhale later, I feel the hand start moving to the same object that made her a mother. It's not long before her hands are around it.

After all, it's not hard to locate, given its size.

"My sweet brother... The last time it was just the two of us like this was before we left for Westeros and met with The Tyrells... While I'm enjoying Margaerys company, I'd trade it to have the same alone time that we used to have."

Ahh, I know where this is going. My job as her husband, lover, and brother is to ensure she's happy. Feeling secure and un-alone. And I'll do just that.

In a move of confidence, I gently place my hand on the side of her head and turn it toward me. Bringing my lips into hers with a pleasant smack. She's instantly reciprocating the advance. Showing that I'm on the right path.

Time to show Dany she's still my number one girl.

~~~(POV: Margaery Tyrell)~~~

~~~(Current Age: 17 Years)~~~

~~~(Location: The Great Pyramid, Meereen, Essos)~~~

~~~(Date: 301 AC)~~~


The contents of my stomach leave me as I hang over the toilet. The hands of Tyene and Obara Sand rest on my back as they gently rub it. Showing a form of support. I've been spending the day with The Sand Snakes.

Showing them around The Great Pyramid and having them get settled in. The rest of the sisters are training in the courtyard outside.

"Such a poor sound coming from beauty as yourself, Lady Tyrell. I remember my father's other muses making the same sounds when they were with child."

Tyene Sand is the oldest of Oberyn's daughters, and it's safe to say she knows what she's talking about. While I want to get my hopes up about being with child already, it's too soon to say I'm carrying my first babe.

"I don't want to go shouting it from the rooftops yet. I'll meet with the Maesters in time. But I wouldn't be surprised if I'm pregnant."

The rumors of the Targaryen Bedchambers are widely known to the people working and staying in The Great Pyramid. Those same rumors have already reached The Sand Snakes.

"If you wish, I can get someone to help you back to your room."

Obara makes a kind offer, but I'll be fine in a few minutes.

"That won't be necessary. I just need to get this round of sickness out of my system and carry on with my day."

As much as I'd like to go back to the bedroom and rest, I must continue doing my part. House Martell is a powerful and integral ally to House Targaryen. Raenon needs their support, and gaining the loyalty of The Sand Snakes is essential.

~~~(POV: Varys)~~~

~~~(Current Age: 49 Years)~~~

~~~(Location: Personal Study, Kings Landing, The Red Keep, Westeros)~~~

~~~(Date: 301 AC)~~~

"Now that Stannis and Robb have joined forces to take us out, shouldn't we discuss a failsafe for when Kings Landing isn't in the hands of House Lannister anymore?"

Tyrion sits across from me with his personal bodyguard Bronn. It's been a dreadful week in terms of news for House Lannister. Tyrion sees it's becoming more and more pragmatic to abandon the city and head for Casterly Rock.

That's his own opinion, however. The strategy is valid, to be sure. But that only delays the inevitable. The treatment from his father and sister is beginning to get to him, and with Joffrey's wedding coming up. There isn't much use for Tyrion left.

Tywin couldn't get the marriage partners he wanted from House Martell or any other House in the South. So he's taken a page out of Raenon's book.

Joffrey is to marry a girl from House Bolton and House Greyjoy. To say the least, Cersei is livid that her son is marrying women from Houses of... Low status... In her eyes.

"There are many things to be concerned about. Now, why don't you tell me why you're really here, Tyrion?"

He's dancing around the subject of why he's here. A trick he learned from his father. One he uses quite well under specific circumstances.

"Fine. I thought I'd be pleasant about this, but I guess not."

A tiny grin takes form on my lips.

"I want you to reach out to your contacts in Essos. I need you to find information about shipbuilders across The Narrow Sea. Our own shipyards can't handle the demand."

He's preparing for war. I admire his dedication.

It'll be served well under Raenon when the time comes.

~~~(POV: Daenerys Targaryen)~~~

~~~(Current Age: 16 Years)~~~

~~~(Location: The Great Pyramid, Meereen, Essos)~~~

~~~(Date: 301 AC)~~~




The breath leaves my lungs as Rae pulls out of me from beneath the bubbles. My body is pressed against his as I sit in his lap. My legs wrapped around his waist. My large belly and swollen breasts pressed against his firm abdominal muscles.

"I really needed that..."

The words breathlessly escape me. The series of releases I just had wasn't something I thought I needed at this moment. But I feel a lot better.

His hand glides up my back and brings me into a hug. Kissing me deeply as he does.


Now, we both start laughing.

Word count: 1754

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