
The Targaryen's First Move

~~~(POV: Raenon Targaryen)~~~

~~~(Current Age: 14 Years)~~~

~~~(Location: Nearing Eastern Coast of Dorne, The Narrow Sea, Westeros)~~~

~~~(Date: 298 AC)~~~

Alysanne is in my arms as Daenerys flies on Raevor from behind. Our daughter has recently turned 9 months old and is as strong as ever. Her eyes are closed as she sleeps. The trip across The Narrow Sea has been an easy one by dragon back.

The Eastern Coast of Dorne is in view from up here. Rhaegal and Vaelor are flying slightly ahead of us. The 3 dragons have all grown to the size of a horse-drawn carriage in the last 10 or so months. Rhaenys herself now exceeds any ship that's been built.

I wouldn't be surprised if she ends up being as big as The Black Dread in the next few years.

Daenerys has been riding Raevor since he was big enough to carry her. My Queen doesn't know how beautiful she looks on the back of a dragon.

Speaking of her, she flies closer and slightly above Rhaenys left wing so we can talk. It's a little difficult to talk when flying, but it's not impossible.

"Should we land near the coast and let our dragons rest?"

It'd be a good idea. The dragons have been flying for a day straight, and they could use a break. But I shouldn't baby them anymore. Especially Rhaenys. They're all big enough now to fly great distances without rest.

"No, we'll continue until we reach Sunspear. It's not far from here. An hour at most, given our current speed."

Rhaenys knows I don't want her flying faster than necessary. Not with Alysanne in my arms. There is some great news regarding Alysanne. It seems Vaelor has taken a great liking to her. I can't say they've bonded yet. But when Alysanne is older, Vaelor will be her dragon.

A noble and regal-looking dragon for my daughter.

"Okay, how do you want to handle this if House Martell sees this as a hostile action? We're not heading to Sunspear to lose potential allies because they're afraid of our dragons."

The Dornish are a unique people. Strong with good heads on their shoulders. How else could they resist our ancestors for as long as they did?

"Don't worry, as long as we don't provoke them. I'm sure they won't give us any problems flying our dragons there."

This will be the first time I set foot in Westeros. The lands my ancestors conquered and ruled. We're already over the coast and officially out of The Narrow Sea. All that's left now is making it to Sunspear.

~~~(POV: Oberyn Martell)~~~

~~~(Current Age: 41 Years)~~~

~~~(Location: Dorne, Sunspear, Westeros)~~~

~~~(Date: 298 AC)~~~

It's a calm breeze through our castle. Shadow Town has had a steady flow of business for the last few weeks. Our harbor has been seeing ships coming and going every day. Doran has been busy as of late, and I've found myself extremely bored.

I've been thinking of visiting Kings Landing soon. A wedding between King Joffrey and Margaery Tyrell has the lands abuzz.

Sadly, most of The Seven Kingdoms don't exist anymore. The Riverlands, The North, and The Stormlands have declared themselves independent. Along with us. The Iron Islands have been up to their usual antics.

That's five Kingdoms now separated in power from The Iron Throne.

My eyes drift toward the blue sky... And in the distance to the North... I see something that makes my blood rush through me. I lean forward on my window for a better look.

"That can't be good..."

Flying beasts of destruction make their way toward Sunspear. As I leave my stupor, The Warning Bells of Sunspear ring throughout the area. I make my way down the castle and meet with my brother Doran.

"You seen them too?"

The answer to his question is from the silence coming from me. We're about to move again when the ground shakes.


A sound that shakes my body envelopes the castle. Doran and I share another look and start running toward the direction the tremor started. It's in our massive courtyard.




Three more roars soon follow as we see 4 dragons inside our courtyard. The largest takes up so much room. Its tail is on a roof, and its body is propped against the castle. The claws on its wings dig into the stone. The other three are on surrounding roofs around the courtyard.

My eyes land on a young man. A boy. On the back of the mighty beast. He looks up at the smaller black and red dragon, and a woman is on it.

He raises his hand and lifts her off the dragon in black smoke. Placing her on the ground next to the dragon he's on. The white gold hair they both share is a clear indicator of who they are.

The boy hops off the dragon with a bundle in his arms. It's not surprising the babe is crying from all the dragon roars. The boy gently rocks the babe to relax it. The gold and cream-colored dragon looks from the spot toward the cries. After a couple of seconds, the cries stop.

The royal-looking dragon seems to lose its concern. But all the dragons are staying vigilant.

The boy lifts his attention from the now silent child and looks at the girl.

They exchange a few words, but I can't make it out. My heart is beating too loudly in my ears.

He hands the babe to the woman, and they share a quick kiss. He steps forward, and Doran and I watch as a black and red glowing sword appears from his right hand in dark smoke. He shoves the blade's tip into the ground and leans into the pommel.

"I'm here to speak with House Martell! My name is Raenon Targaryen!"

Doran immediately takes off toward another part of the castle. Likely to find someone to speak on our behalf. But I'm not wasting this rare opportunity.

I step out into the courtyard, and all 4 dragons have their eyes locked on me. Never in my life have I felt so small.

In a show of good faith, I stop and toss my sword and daggers to the side. Raenon doesn't react, and Daenerys continues to rock the babe in cloth. I finish my approach and stand across from the boy. He doesn't look older than 15.

~~~(POV: Raenon Targaryen)~~~

~~~(Current Age: 14 Years)~~~

~~~(Location: Dorne, Sunspear, Westeros)~~~

~~~(Date: 298 AC)~~~

A man stands across from me, wearing a confident grin with an air of caution. He's a different kind of man to approach us so boldly.

"Greetings, Targaryen. I'm Oberyn Martell. Younger brother to Doran Martell. To what do we owe the pleasure?"

Oberyn Martell. A man of his own House came out to greet me. That's a trait I respect. As to why I'm here, that's what we'll be getting into. Dany and I decided that before we take any of the Slaver Cities in Essos and gather our armies.

We should find supporters in Westeros first. That way, when we cross The Narrow Sea with our armies, we won't be met with only enemies.

"I won't waste your time, Oberyn. I'm here to seek an alliance. Someone on my side when I push my claim for The Iron Throne."

Dany and I discussed that it'd be better if I said my claim instead of our claim when dealing with nobles. They'll take me more seriously if I do. Which is brilliant on her part. In my heart, it's our claim. The rest of the world will only hear it as my claim.

Oberyn seems to appreciate practicality, and I'm not going to dance around words if he doesn't need them.

"What's in it for House Martell."

It's not a question but a statement. He can't make the final decisions, but I can offer him something I know House Martell wants.

"I understand that you have desires to handle The Mountain personally. Along with The Lannisters."

This piques his interest.

"While I can't promise all of The Lannister's lives solely for your taking. I'm offering The Mountain and Tywin Lannister to you. Joffrey is the one I must kill for my claim. That's the Lannister you can't have."

A smile forms on his lips. One that tells me his answer already.

~~~(POV: Tywin Lannister)~~~

~~~(Current Age: 56 Years)~~~

~~~(Location: Kings Landing, The Red Keep, Small Council Meeting)~~~

~~~(Date: 298 AC)~~~

"Are you sure House Martell has been hosting Raenon and Daenerys?"

Cersei asks a question of Varys. One that doesn't need to be asked.

"Yes, My Queen. Raenon and Daenerys have been in Sunspear for the last week. Sadly, House Martell aligned itself with Raenon. The death of Elia Martell and her children has come back to haunt us."

It was only a matter of time before House Martell tried to get back at us for what happened during The Rebellion. It couldn't have come at a worse time.

"Is this not a perfect opportunity to assassinate them, father?"

Cersei turns to me.

The girl is smart but not as smart as she thinks she is. Getting assassins into Sunspear would be difficult. Let alone their castle.

"I'm afraid that's not possible. If it were anywhere else in The Seven Kingdoms, perhaps. But not Dorne."

Varys answers before I can. In this situation, I don't care. But Cersei looks annoyed. Still waiting for me to answer.

"Varys is correct. At this point, House Martell and House Targaryen are allies. That can't be undone. Littlefinger, I want you to have your people in Essos ready for Raenon and Daenerys' return. They won't be staying in Dorne forever."

It's clear what Raenon is doing. It's smart. He's assuring alliances with our enemies before he commits to anything. This means Dorne isn't his only destination.

"Varys, have assassins ready in the North and the Riverlands. Raenon will head there next to see if House Stark and House Tully will align to House Targaryen."

That ends the meeting. Varys is the first to leave.

~~~(POV: Varys)~~~

~~~(Current Age: 46 Years)~~~

~~~(Location: Kings Landing, The Red Keep, Office)~~~

~~~(Date: 298 AC)~~~

Tywin wants assassins in the North and the Riverlands waiting for Raenon and Daenerys. But this is a perfect chance for me to get in contact with them. I want to know more about Raenon. See if he's fit as a King.

If he proves to be, then he has my support.

Raenon won't waste any time talking to Stannis. I can tell from his actions until now that he's only after Houses that want revenge on the Lannisters. Not people who are chasing The Iron Throne like he is.

He's playing The Great Game well. I look forward to his next move.

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