
(13) Duel! Aoki vs Kuina!

[Kuina POV]




"Fight!" Dad yelled out, commencing the duel. Neither of us moved from our starting positions, we just stood there sizing each other up.

I noticed many flaws in Aoki's stance, I didn't know if she was intentionally revealing them though, as in all our other spars she only had one fatal flaw that I could exploit; now it had grown to ten.

After another ten seconds, I decided to make a move. I dashed towards Aoki, appearing right in front of her in an instant and slashed down with Wado Ichimonji.


The sounds of two swords clashing was all I heard. She actually blocked that?! I didn't want to sound cocky but I'd been holding my strength back a bit during our spars, I'd been using around 75% of my strength. I used all my strength in that attack, and expected to break her guard.

I was honestly really surprised and impressed.

"My turn." I heard Aoki mumble under her breath. Suddenly I felt no pressure being placed on my sword and no Aoki which startled me.

I felt something approaching my neck at rapid speeds from behind, so I quickly turned around and tried blocking whatever was coming.


[Avery POV]

Was that observation haki? You just keep on surprising me, don't you Kuina.

"Avery, wasn't that the technique you used to face those Oni pirates or whatever they were called?" Mr. Koushirou asked after seeing Aoki suddenly vanish.

"It is Mr. Koushirou, good observation" I smiled at him and gave him a thumbs up.

"So you taught it to Aoki, don't you think that's a little unfair? I mean at any point she could suddenly appear behind Kuina, and deliver a fatal strike if we're not quick enough to stop her." Mr. Koushirou said, it was clear that he really cared for his daughters well being.

"You know Mr. Koushirou, you're a good man and a good father. So trust me I wouldn't let your precious little girl get hurt, believe it!" I said, a reassuring smile was on my face which loosened up his tense expression a bit.

"Alright, I'll trust you on this one…" Mr. Koushirou said, his attention placed back on the duel.


[Aoki POV]

She dodged that? Wow that's very impressive! Kuina backstepped to make some distance from me, would I let her do that though? Of course not!

I timed my use of Soru to match when she backstepped. Now! I used Soru and appeared behind her, I slashed horizontally with my sword towards her waist.

"Got you." Kuina said under her breath, I knew instantly that I had fallen into her trap, and tried to think of way to get out of it.

Kuina used her sword to block the attack, surprising me as I was still behind her. Her skill in swordsmanship was insane!

In one smooth motion, she blocked the attack turned around and countered with an attack of her own.

The attack caught me off guard and made contact, thankfully the sword's edge hit no vitals. It still drew blood though, Avery didn't interfere as it wasn't too dangerous so we continued.

I got into a tightened stance, I calmed down my breathing and controlled it. I closed my eyes and felt the vibrations in the ground to pin point Kuina's location, I entered a state of total concentration.

I felt vibrations in the ground change slightly, signifying someone was coming at me. Who else would that be besides Kuina, I stood there and patiently waited for her to enter my range.

Only then would I be able to deal a decisive blow. Kuina ferociously dashed towards me, entering my range in a matter of seconds.

I chuckled at that and said only two words.

"Water Domain!"


[Avery POV]

"Water Domain!" Aoki suddenly shouted, water domain? Wasn't that her unique ability? Wasn't it locked? Too many questions not enough answers!

I decided to check out Aoki's abilities again.


Devil Fruit : None

Haki : Kenbunshoku Haki (Observation) Busoshoku Haki (Armament)

Combat Style : None

Unique Ability : Water Domain (lUNLOCKED)

Skills (NEW): Water Slash


Oh no. A blue domain suddenly appeared and surrounded Aoki and Kuina, I had to stop Aoki. If I don't she could potentially kill Kuina!

How? Because of that skill she got, water slash. Inside water domain, all water related skills are boosted in power by 100% other wise are twice as strong inside the domain!

Given Aoki's current stance I knew she'd be using that new skill. Which Kuina is completely unaware of, hell she might not have even noticed the blue domain she entered.

Hah, I didn't know my new sister was a reincarnation of Tanjiro. Water slash? Sounds familiar. Wait no time for jokes got to save Kuina!

I used Soru to pop up inside the water domain and stop Aoki and Kuina from clashing. I saw Aoki slashing downwards with Nidai Kitetsu, Nidai Kitetsu was completely imbued with the water element it was a really cool scene.

I hurriedly used Tekkai and covered my body in armament haki. In the blink of an eye I appeared in front of Kuina and as soon as I did, I came in contact with both of there blades; it seemed they were both planning on attacking.

Damn did they hurt! I think one hit my third leg! Damnit Aoki!

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