
3/ The Break Point

Thanks to the new contributor, Boris for is subscription level 3

While the night was illuminated by a black moon with an orange and black rim plunging the world into darkness, The Great Night continued, while soon coming to an end. For men had been born again and a new dawn would soon break over mankind, for after the darkness comes the light.

While in the cities, the monsters that used to be the hunters had now become the prey. And that the cries of creatures and men resounded in a great echo that could touch the sky.

"Ahhhh!" Shouted a man who tore off the mouth of a monster with his bare hands.

The body of the creature crashed on the ground spilling its blood, while many other people were also fighting without respite against the monsters. All of them gave their bodies and souls to exterminate the creatures, which for some had plunged them into fear, disgrace and sadness by the death of their loved ones. While the battle between the men and the monsters was going on without respite on this third day, from the despair, the crying and the lamentations had emerged hope.

"So there was evening, and there was morning; it was the third day!" Genesis 1:13

The men screamed with rage at every monster they killed to avenge the lives already sadly lost. While one man in the chaos carried a wounded child in his arms, his daughter whom he had tried to protect.

"A doctor please my daughter is hurt!" He shouted in distress his daughter having a part of her stomach cut open.

As her blood stained his hands and clothes with nothing he could do about it, the strength to fight was in him but the strength to heal she was not.

"Bring her to me!" shouted a young woman.

The man then gently laid the girl on the ground with her stomach almost completely open.

"Please save her!"

The young woman then closed her eyes and a soft light emanated from her hands. And there, before the astonished eyes of the man the wound closed by itself. And after several minutes the wound had completely disappeared without any scar, as if it had never existed.

"Daddy..." Said the girl while reopening her eyes.

"Thank you... Thank you... He expressed himself by hugging his daughter.

As many explosions sounded in great rumblings cracking the sky and the earth. This time it was not bombs but men who literally made come out of their hands flames and lightning. As if these men had become deities, coming to deliver men from their punishments.

"Be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or frightened before them, for the LORD your God will walk with you. He will not forsake you, he will not abandon you." Deuteronomy 31:6

And so the other 3 days that followed the appearance of his powers, the monsters were mostly exterminated. The remaining army that had been almost annihilated on the 3rd day mobilized to completely exterminate the rest of the threat. For in their own ranks, people who had also received these new powers, allowed them to lend a hand. And at the end of the last day, the moon finally returned to its normal state, no longer hiding the sun. At the same time, all the monsters had finally perished, thus ending The Great Night.

Some after this one wondered if it was God who had inflicted this punishment on them. But if it was a punishment, it was apparently far from over. For one portal after another continued to appear. And signing what people called The Break Point, the beginning of a new era of dungeons and awakenings.

The 10 years that followed this fateful event changed the world as we know it. The awakened ones, or hunters who were able to fight these monsters, were at first a new hope and then they became celebrities, stars adored by the whole world. And all these events have upset the hierarchy of our societies as we knew them before.

12 years later The Break Point

A young man with black hair and brown eyes was speaking in front of a classroom.

"The world changed a few years ago with phenomena called rifts or portals suddenly appearing. Bringing in their wake creatures from another world, a new threat to humanity. Nevertheless, powers began to manifest themselves in certain people. These people were named the awakened or hunters. They are endowed with powers and physical abilities far superior to those of normal humans. A theory about their awakenings was therefore put forward and later proven. When the portals appeared, they brought a new energy on earth, the mana, then this energy was absorbed by the humans who awakened thanks to it. But the process took time, that's why people awakened on the third day."

"The powers of an awakened person could manifest from 15 to 30 years of age, beyond which it was impossible to become an awakened person. But in general it was manifested extremely early, all high school students were partly awakened today. There is also a split, because the other generations have absorbed much more mana than the previous ones. We then made a categorization between the awakened of the first generation and the second. Those of the second generation being of course more powerful, having absorbed mana since their birth. And this generation having absorbed much more mana led to certain evolutions.

The young then pressed a remote control in his hands and several images flashed behind him.

"The hybrids of the awakened born or having experienced physical transformations. Like horns, tails, claws, modifications all different from each other. With a reserve of mana and certain attributes superior to a normal awakened. So we concluded that some humans were much better at absorbing mana and others were not."

"A system of categorization was then established to categorize the rifts and the awakened: classified from 0 to 10, the closer to zero the more powerful the rifts and the awakened were and vice versa. The rifts had also become real gold mines, full of new materials and energy. Not to mention the corpses of monsters which were highly prized and used in various manufactures. Research on the portals has taught us many things, that you have to defeat the creature named boss to close the rift. After that it takes three hours for the rift to close completely, which leaves time to exploit its resources. After this time you will be trapped with no way back. And an important fact in the dungeon research was that all the dungeons that appeared during the big night were the lowest category 10. Then, there are several types of rifts categorized with a color code :

- The blue ones: are open portals, the monsters cross them without difficulty but they are rare. But at the beginning of the great night there was only this kind of fault.

- The red ones : are closed portals only we can cross them. But after 7 days they break and the passage can be done in both directions, they turn then to blue these portals are the most frequent.

- The grey ones: are a rare variant of the red one. Once you enter a red one, it turns into a gray one, increasing the level of the dungeon and its environments can be special. It is then impossible to get out of it without defeating the boss.

"To date, these are all types of dungeons that we know the awakened then created guilds to raid the rifts. And at the same time were born the offices of the awakened that regulates and supervises the awakened in each nation. They are sometimes bigger than some governmental organizations, but also work with them. The society has also adapted in some aspects, especially with regard to young people, because the majority of them are awakened. The schools then changed accordingly and became partly also training centers with specialized courses for the training of awakened persons. The awakened teachers were either former hunters or hunters who gave intermittent or established courses. To teach the younger generation to master their powers so that they could also defend themselves in case of danger."

"Each month, schools organizing dungeon raids in rifts ranked at the lowest level. Also being accompanied by several experienced awakened, and experienced teachers to limit the danger and ensure safety. All the while allowing students to train and gain confidence and experience. After high school, there were special schools to train the most talented awakened ones, so that they would continue to grow and become experienced hunters."

A bell then rang while the students were already leaving the room, some without asking for their rest.

"Thank you Kévin for your presentation which was very well done. Don't forget that tomorrow there are still presentations on the disasters that happened afterwards and on the guilds, on that have a good day." (Teacher)

"Hey, Kévin are you coming to my house this afternoon so I can beat you up at Mario kart?" Said a handsome young man with glasses named Arthur.

"I'm the one who's going to get you high, I'll come at 3pm!" (Kévin)

"Okay, don't rush it." Said Arthur knowing that Kévin was sometimes late.

POV Kévin

Arthur is very smart and always has a laugh and was the rare friend I could count on. He made me a little less of a jerk and always helped me with my studies. Whenever I came to his house, he would offer me cupcakes and tea. His father was very nice and taught as a cooking teacher in our high school. There was always his horrible stepmother whom he praised.

7 p.m.

"So who lost?" Said Arthur all happy with his victory.

"I lost in the race, but I beat you in the balloon fight and the other modes." (Kévin)

"Yes, but Mario kart is a racing game." (Arthur)

"Never mind Arthur." I said while laughing. (Kévin)

"You stay with us eat Kevin, I made a small couscous." Asked Arthur's Father.

"Are you sure?" I say still a little hesitant.

"None of that between us please." (Father)

I sat down and enjoyed the best couscous I've ever had in my life. My mother's couscous next to it was cat piss. After we finished eating me and Arthur as usual, we stayed downstairs to talk. We would talk about politics, video games and other interesting things and I would ride my bike home.

Always welcomed by my sister and my mother whom I love so much, at the same time who doesn't love her mother, as they say who loves well spares well. As well as my brother, a little bit stupid and stubborn on the edges, but he is my brother, we have already fought several times. But who has never fought with his brother or sister. It helps to create a family bond and also to set up a certain hierarchy. But I was always losing because I hadn't woken up yet. He used to brag about it. My brother is 15 years old and is the last of the family. He thinks he knows everything and is quite pretentious, placing great importance on his style and branded clothes. He dreams of becoming a fireman and is working towards it, but in his own way.

My sister Marie is fifteen years old, she is a pretty girl who is very fashionable, but who does not neglect her studies. She is very sociable and loving and dreams of becoming a famous scientist. She is my beloved sister and has always supported me. My father has never been too present all the time busy with his job instead of taking care of his own family a slave of work.

Working more to earn more, Sarkozy said, was rather working more to be taxed more. He always told me that he was working for us, but I would have preferred him to be on our side. It cost him his wife who couldn't take it anymore, how could I blame my mother after more than 14 years. When my own relationships didn't last more than 4 months.

But in my life the thing that had destroyed me all along was illness. I was very seriously ill as a child. It altered my relationship with others and in my own growth. Then I would lie in bed with a ball in my stomach trying to sleep. Thinking about every person who had hurt me, the failures in love, every person who had no consideration for me when I was giving my all for them. I have always been caring and concerned about others, but did others have the same regard for me, did I ever even matter to them or did they see me as a disposable thing?

Haven't we all asked ourselves this question? In my case, throughout my life, I have never stopped asking it.

"But one thing is sure, I am not happy, I am not fulfilled and I am probably missing something and I have often wished my own death. I have often wished for my own death, which was not long in coming to my door. (Kévin)


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Thanks to the contributors.

Thanks to Cadméa for her subscription level 4.

Thanks to Allan Kellar for his subscription level 3.

Thanks to Slik Silk for his subscription level 3.

Thanks to Bryce for his subscription level 3.

Thanks to Boris for his subscription level 3.

Thanks to Jean for his subscription level 1

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