
Cat fight

Nolan tucked his uniform on, looking at himself in the mirror, he flexed his arms a little.

Leaving his room, he went to the kitchen on the first floor, smiling happily when a large breakfast was served on the table.

"Hey Mom" Nolan hugged Jane from behind, wrapping her stomach with one hand, the other grasping her tits, using them as stress balls.

"Hey sleepy, you sound more chipper than usual, what gives?" Jane asked imperceptibly, one hand over the hand rubbing her stomach.

"You." Nolan kissed her neck, inhaling her sweet scent, pulling her shorter body deep into his chest.

"Ahn! Who taught you to do this thing?" Jane moaned a little as he pinched her nipple.

"You," Nolan said curtly as he nibbled on her soft earlobe gently.

"You gonna keep saying the same thing? Just go and eat your breakfast you're gonna be late for school." Jane slapped his hand massaging her tits away.

"I don't wanna go, school is over tomorrow, can't I stay here with you?" Nolan asked hopefully.

"I got work to do, and I don't need distractions, some of the plants are in a critical condition. Besides it's boring staying with your old mother, you will get enough of that for the summer, go have fun with your friends." Jane said, her hand on his cheek, giving him a reassuring smile.

Nolan nodded, leaning in closer, kissing his mother gently on the lips. Sitting down on the table, Jane watched quietly as he devoured a breakfast meant for 5 people in less than 5 minutes.

"Take care okay, call me if you're late alright? I don't something like yesterday night to happen." Jane straightened his crooked shirt.

"You too," Nolan leaned in again, giving her a deep kiss, turning around and walking through their front porch, through the metal gates, and into the sidewalk.

He looked around, waving goodbye to Jane still watching him, before beginning to hurriedly walk toward school.

'I need to get a new bicycle," Sighing a little, Nolan walked to school, taking him 15 minutes, where otherwise it would have taken him 5 minutes on a bike.

As he ascended the stairs to his class, he noticed many girls looking at him, more than usual.

He looked to his left and right, dwarfing most of the students in height and build, making him look older than he really was.

Shrugging his shoulders, he reached his class, sitting next to Jimmy who seemed focused on his phone.

"What are you looking at?" Nolan stood over Jimmy, trying to see what he was looking at on the phone.

"whoa! What the hell? you scared me, when did you get here?" Jimmy looked at his surroundings, looking for something beside Nolan.

"Is that the news? what are they mentioning?" Nolan asked curiously.

"Well, apparently some of the school kids went missing near the forest next to the school, their last sightings at the parking lot next to the park, smoking cigarettes," Jimmy said, smiling with schadenfreude.

Nolan frowned, something coming up to mind, the legacy book answering his unasked question by showing him a page. A line captivating him,

'The first living things to be affected by Mana are the animals in the forests, their deep connection to nature allowing them to instinctively absorb the Mana the planet produces.

'Could this be the animals in question?' Nolan thought to himself, reading the rest of the page detailing the exact things that will happen to the animals.

'Being the instinctive beings they are, the animals instinctively absorb and condense the energy they absorbed into their beast cores, which is a source of power for the trillions of sapient souls in this cosmos.' The page ended.

"They probably just messing around, after all, they're known for their stupid and dangerous pranks," Jimmy said from the sidelines, turning off his phone as the teacher came in.

"Good morning guys, You must have already heard what happened, so I don't need to remind you to stay clear of the forest and stay together, we already have enough plates on our hands with the increasing homicides in the city." The class stayed quiet, most of them having a frown on their faces.

'It's getting more unstable around here, it won't be long now,' Nolan looked at the calm and clear blue sky, hoping this sight won't be ever seen again.

Spending the first three classes messing around with Jimmy, he tried to ignore all the extra attention he kept receiving from the girls today.

"Hey, aren't you curious why they keep looking at you more than usual?" Jimmy asked in a quiet voice from the side, checking out all the girls that kept looking at Nolan.

"Not really," Nolan replied, focusing his attention on their mature English teacher's ass.

"Well, I heard a rumor that you are dating one of the girls and that there is a pic going around of you kissing her on the lips. Is it true?" Jimmy asked in deep curiosity.

Nolan instantly remembered the girl he kissed yesterday when he was in a hurry to the class.

"Sigh, Why did she have to spread that around the whole school?" he said loud absentmindedly, several girls sitting close to his seat ears perking up.

"Wait, you really dating her!?" suddenly a girl asked him from the side, a girl he rarely talked to and who would look away whenever he stared in her direction.

"...No, not really, she wanted me to help her bug of some dude, and she asked for some pics as a prove, nothing more to that," Nolan said innocently, not expecting the information he just dropped might have a consequence.

Instantly all the girls in class turned toward him in sync, giving him the creeps as the chatter quieted down, the boys also looking toward where all the girls were looking at.

"... I have been getting bugged by this guy for weeks now, do you mind taking a pic with me? It will really save me the trouble of turning him down every time he pesters me," The girl who asked the question instantly sprung to action, making all the other girls instantly riled up.

"NO, I need to take a pic with him!! this guy at my part-time job keeps coming back to harass me every day!!" Another girl quickly stood up, shouting over the other girls that were also beginning to speak.

"What, that is clearly a lie, why would anyone be interested in you for that?" Another girl stood up, confronting the bullshit the second girl said.

"Hey hey, what's going on here? we're still in class, please sit down!" Ms. Elena said, raising her hands to try to calm down the bickering that was beginning to start.

A girl quickly stood up from her seat, phone in hand, she approached Nolan more quickly than they could react, posing for a selfie,

"Please, I need one to stop my cousin from harassing me all the time, if he sees you kissing me, he will leave me alone. So I would really appreciate your help," The girl raised her lips towards Nolan, preparing to receive a kiss on the lips right when everyone was looking at her and shocked by her shamelessness.

"You lying slut!! I know you sleep with your cousin all the time! Get away from my husband!!" Another girl ran over, tackling the girl that was almost kissing Nolan who stared in shock at what was happening.

Soon, screaming and fighting began among every girl, The boys gathered to one corner in fear as they huddled together, while Jimmy clung to Nolan's arm in fear, Standing shocked at the center of the massive fight happening around him.

"Girls! Stop this instant!! this is no way how a woman should act!!" Ms. Elena could only shout, she too was shocked about what was happening, shielding the boys who were huddled together, one of them bleeding in the head when he tried to break the fight, his head getting smashed with the edge of the phone.

"Hey, man!! this is crazy!! why are they fighting like animals!! we have to get out of here quickly!!" Jimmy shouted over the battle cries of the girls who fought like possessed, dodging a swing of claw strikes from a girl with long nails.

Nolan quickly looked for a path to the door, but it was completely blocked, as girls gripped each other's hairs, and called themselves vulgar names.

Just as he was about to shout, the school alarm rang loudly, and the fight stopped almost immediately.

The speaker turned on, a quivering voice emerging from it to broadcast to the whole school.

"All students, remain in your classroom, All students remain in your classroom, I have just been informed that a major incident happened, going outside the school is dangerous at this moment, so for your safety please for the last time stay in your classroom until we say so otherwise." The broadcast ended, leaving everyone with an ominous feeling.

Sorry this is the only chapter for today, I'm tired today and still have some things to do, will release the chapter missed today this coming Saturday, thank you Timothy_Perez for the extra generous contribution of power stones, thank you lustful_king for the power stones, your contributions forced me to write this chapter today.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

BlackDemon0f3ndcreators' thoughts
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