

Alright, so here's the result of the poll:

Re:Zero won by having many people comment on it.

For the suggested ideas, here's what happened:

Everyone kept saying I should do the Fate Series but I haven't watched it yet and not to mention that it is VERY long and has confusing... timelines? I don't know, haven't watched it yet.

So, I crossed that out and went for the other most liked comment; Campione or Record or Ragnarok. Haven't watched Campione yet but I've caught up in the Record of Ragnarok Manga, so I'll take both of those into consideration.

And that's it, I guess. See you in the next chapter tonight.

Somewhere along the line, I'll integrate the Mangas you suggested in the story, so don't worry. (Especially the people that want Boku no Pico. Which was many, weirdly enough.)

Next chapter