
Chapter 55: By Bars of Fear

I didn’t know how to unlock my legs from where I stood, now without any company on my side of the Crimson throne room.

My sister - Ivory Queen Tulip - broke into a run the closer she came. We tightly embraced the second she was close enough.

“Are you hurt?” She suddenly pulled away, turning over my wrists, inspecting what she could of my arms, legs, face -

“I’m fine,” I answered, hearing how dazed I sounded.

Her motions paused. Her head inclined so I knew she was looking at my left hand in hers.

At my engagement ring. I had remembered to hide my dagger, but I had forgotten to hide my ring.

I casually moved my hand away, not wanting to draw unwanted attention to it. Switching where the attention lie, I carefully touched the diamond encrusted mask that covered half her face.

She turned her head away, out of my touch. Ashamed. She appeared smaller than she did a moment ago, subtly shrunken into herself.

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