
Chapter 46: We'll Spread the Word

Rowan sped us through the winding maze of thick trees leading out of Amethyst Reigholt. Reigina Mathilde wouldn’t offer us an army, but sent us on our way with this world’s equivalent of thoughts and prayers. As annoyed as I was, I still freshly remembered her feelings around joining the fight last time.

At least she started work on a new banishment curse. Which would be ready in four years.

The Ivory Kingdom wouldn't have reached the Crimson Kingdom gates yet, if the curse worked the way Reigina Mathilde suspected it did. The Ivory Court and its citizens would appear back at their kingdom ruins. They would have to figure out how to travel the Land of Night.

“Can I tell you something terrifying?” Rowan asked, sounding terrified himself.

“Tell me anything,” I said, sitting between his legs as he drove - preparing for the mental onslaught of Night.

“I don’t know how to handle war. I’m not a fighter. I ‘can’ fight, but I don’t think that way, I’m a peacemaker.”

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