
Chapter 44: For Better; For Worse

Between the silver of the moonlight and blue of the glowing grass, he looked like a fairy, or a nymph, or like something else that belonged there. Lean, tall, naked and ethereal.

Finding a spot, he knelt and finger-drew…something that resembled a heart shape. The sides weren’t symmetrical, but it had the dipping curve on top and the point on the bottom.

Unimpressed, he found a new spot and tried again. This attempt, while not perfect, was a notable improvement. Inside he wrote in all capital letters - not fancy, but aesthetically pleasing, “LILY & ROWAN.” After a thought, he doodled a crown above his R.

He peered up at me, some yards away now. “Unless you immediately object, I now pronounce us husband and wife, King Rowan and Queen Lily of the Crimson Kingdom.” He drew a crown above my L. “We may now make passionate love.”

He stood, crossing to me.

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