
Chapter 20: He Can Lay Well

I reported to Corbin at the town door. “I think she likes him. She’s hard to read.”

“Oo!” The older teen clapped and rubbed his hands together, excited. “This is gonna be good. Magic of the festival.”

“Magic of the festival,” I echoed, loving this energy.

We waited for Rowan. Corbin seemed content to lean against the door, smiling, mind elsewhere.

“You can’t split shifts with anyone?” I asked. “So you can enjoy the festivities?”

His smile deepened, but his eyes were more somber. “This isn’t a real job. They didn’t have a door guy before me. I just really care about someone being here for anyone wandering in from the Night.”

It sounded personal.

“Is that how you found this place?” I asked.

He nodded. “I wasn’t waiting for a long time, but it would’ve been a ‘while’ if King Rowan hadn’t visited that day. He has a key to the door, you know. I think about how it would’ve been if he never showed up. If no one ever heard me at the door.”

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