
Yes, I Want To Live But Not For Eternity!

A sweet scent tickled Holly's nose, pulling her out of her subconscious. Her eyes blinked slowly, adjusting to the bright sunlight.

Seconds later, Holly was wide-eyed. She just remembered what had happened. Felix stabbed her!

Holly grabbed her chest which was bleeding earlier. Dry. No more blood or pain. There were no scars either.

[I believe he stabbed me. It hurts so much.] Holly wondered in her mind.

But now, where was the wound? She healed completely.

"You're still alive."

Holly's eyes widened when she heard a deep voice from the corner of the room. Oh, right. Holly just realized it. She was in her new room.

The man stood with his back to the window, making his face dazzled by the light. Holly had to squint her eyes to see who it was.

But Holly's nose worked faster. She has started to memorize this scent. Felix. That person must be Felix.

"You want to kill me?" asked Holly. She tried to sound brave even though her fingers were shaking.

Don't forget this guy was a wolf, and he just stabbed her.

"If I could. Unfortunately, you can't die."

Felix walked away from the window, making his face clearly seen now. He was standing by Holly's bed.

Holly averted her gaze. She did not want to see that handsome face and was captivated.

"Do you remember what I said yesterday?"

Holly raised her eyebrows in disbelief. So it happened yesterday? Holly didn't even realize the day had passed. She tried to remember the last thing she saw before she passed out.

Queen. Felix said she would be the Queen.

"I refuse! I don't want to be the Queen of your betrayal plot!"

"That's not what I meant, you idiot. But I'm not a traitor." Felix looked angry. His jaw hardened, making his face look even colder than before.

"You claim to be the King and gather an army. What else if not a traitor?"

He smirked. "They have always been my troops. This kingdom was mine from the start."

"Yes, yes. I've heard it. You ruled six hundred years ago. But I can't believe it that easy." Holly tried to sound firm. She didn't want to appear weak in front of this man. She must determine whether Felix would be ​​an enemy or an alliance.

"As expected from a Reloux."

Felix sat on the edge of Holly's bed. But Holly rushed to get out of bed from the other side. She didn't want to get too close to him. His scent drove her crazy.

"Shouldn't you be more consent to your immortal body?" Felix asked with a wide grin.

Holly froze on the spot. "Immortal?" She muttered softly.

"I told you, you can't die. You're immortal now."

Holly's lips trembled. "What-what you did to me?"

"What I did do? You did it yourself. You took this flower from me." Felix showed a white rose in his hand.

Holly recognized the flower. The flower she took yesterday from Felix. The flower petals still looked as fresh as yesterday.

"But you woke up."

"Yes. You woke me up, but the curse isn't over yet. You've become immortal like my people and me instead." Felix said very calmly, even though his gaze was still sharp as ever.

"No way. That can't be true." Holly's mouth denied it, but on the other hand, she realized that she was still alive even though Felix stabbed her yesterday. Moreover, the wound just disappeared without a trace.

[I do want to live, but not for eternity!] Holly screamed in her heart. Her mind was perplexed, but she tried to look calm in front of Felix.

Felix walked over to her. Closer and closer. Holly backed away until her back hit the wall. She felt anxious about what Felix would do.

Felix pinned her against the wall, locking Holly so she couldn't run. Holly stayed stiff due to Felix's strong scent. She still couldn't get over it. Felix's scent bewitched her, and she almost lost her sane.

Holly held her breath until her face turned red.

Felix sniffed her. "Apple," Felix said quietly. "Caramel and apple."

"What?" Holly wondered. Unconsciously she took another breath. Damn, Felix's smell really captivated her nose. Holly wanted to pull him into a hug and sniff him all day. The sweet scent of flowers drew her closer to Felix.

Holly shook her head. That was not right.

Holly breathed a sigh of relief when Felix finally walked away. "This is the only way. You must destroy this flower so we can be free." Felix gave the flower to Holly.

"How to destroy it?"

"I don't know. Do everything you can."

Holly stared at the flower for a moment. It's not hard to destroy a flower, right?

She squeezed the rose petals with all her strength. Right after she opened her hand, the flower was still intact. Maybe she hasn't really tried.

Holly pulled one of the petals. Cutting the flower petals should be the most effective way. But every time the flower petals fall off, new petals magically appear again out of nowhere.

Holly was starting to get annoyed. She threw the flower on the floor and stepped on it. It didn't work. The white rose was still intact, complete with a sturdy stem.

"I can't!" Holly frustrated.

"That's why I keep you as my Queen. It's your job to destroy the flower."

"I will destroy the flower, but I don't need to be your queen!" Holly was still adamant.

According to Holly, Felix's efforts were a form of betrayal regardless of who Felix really was. After all that had happened, Holly didn't want to follow in her father's footsteps.

"You are Reloux, after all. You should be Queen. Let's call it fate."

"I told you my family was just a duke."

Holly was running out of patience. She had explained many times, but this man never listened.

Felix opened the balcony door of the room. Sunlight suddenly illuminates the entire room. Holly was flabbergasted. She realized the fog and overcast clouds that always covered the castle were gone entirely.

Felix spread out his arms, showing the vast landscape in front of him. From the balcony, Holly could see her village. The capital and palaces were apparent like a stunning painting.

"This Kingdom belongs to me. I am the true King."

"Before that incident, I knew something would happen to me. Personally, I ordered my best friend, Justin Reloux, to take the throne in case I was killed at any time," Felix explained. This time Holly didn't protest.

"The one who should be sitting on the throne while I sleep is Reloux. But look at you know. Look pathetic and just be thrown away."

"I've heard from my men. Your father was executed for killing the crown prince, right? Do you think your father is a traitor for doing so? Hahaha.... Don't be kidding, the throne is indeed his."

It all sounded nonsense to Holly. But wasn't the fact that she was still alive after being stabbed by Felix also nonsense? She should be dead.

If what Felix said was true, then Holly's father was not a traitor. However, Holly believed that her father was a ruthless killer all this time. The reason why her life was so miserable these whole five years.

"What happened to Justin?"

"I should be the one asking you that."

Holly was silent. He had never heard of a man named Justin Reloux in her life. She was still undecided whether to believe if her ancestor was a king.

Felix sighed. He decided to leave Holly alone to think.

"She's a rock headed. No doubt she is Justin's descent," Felix said after closing the door to Holly's room.

Cass and Adda were there, standing stiffly at the front of the stairs carrying some dresses. They looked at each other, seeing Felix's increasingly gloomy face.

"Have you apologized to her?" Cass asked.

Felix glared at her. "Leave her alone," Felix said, then walked towards the stairs without answering Cass's question.

But before he could step down, Felix stopped. "Doesn't she smell like caramel and apple?"

Cass raised an eyebrow. "That Reloux girl? She smells like just like other humans."

Cass suddenly gaped at the realization of something. "Do you smell a different scent from her? Only you can smell it?" Cass suddenly became excited.

Felix looked away. He ignored Cass and continued his walk.

"Silly king," Cass quipped with a chuckle.


Holly was still thinking about what Felix said earlier. If Felix was ​​indeed a King, then Holly's father was not a traitor. But why didn't his father ever tell her about Justin?

Holly approached the still-open balcony. The sun's light was very bright, and the rest of the sparkling dewdrops reflected the light from the leaves.

Holly's guess was correct. The fog and clouds were completely gone.

All her life, whenever Holly came out of the house, she could only see a faint glimpse of the castle on the hill covered in a dark cloud. Dark Hill was in the Grisia Kingdom's centre, making it visible from various areas. But as far as the eye could see, there was only fog and black clouds on this hill. If this fog dissipated, Holly was sure the whole kingdom could clearly see this castle.

From up there, the view stretched wide. People's houses from afar looked small and neat.

[I have to get out of here.]

Holly had not yet decided whether she would trust Felix. But this time only, she had to get out of this room. She needed fresh air.

Holly took a purple cloak from the wardrobe and put it on. A very conspicuous disguise as the cloak looked too extravagant. It's okay. Holly just wanted to go for a walk.

She sneaked out of the room. Felix did not forbid her to go. But really, she didn't want to meet Felix just yet.

Holly opened her bedroom door as quietly as possible and then sneaked outside.

"You want to go, Your Highness?"

Holly froze. She was found out. Glad he wasn't Felix. He was a tall man with black hair and blue eyes. Wait, Holly thought she had seen it.

Holly saw this man when she had just arrived at the castle.

His black hair and pale face reminded Holly of Felix, but this man had a sweet smile. Not like Felix, who just knew how to smirk.

The man bowed respectfully. "Let me introduce myself, Your Highness. I am Gilbert Helsin. From today on, I am assigned to be your personal bodyguard."

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