
Chapter 155

Zeph's POV 

It was a massive flying creature, with greyish-black wings which had no feathers, an enormous cobalt-blue beak and yellow eyes. It was searching the ground looking for prey and seemed like it hadn't spotted us yet. 

"We need to hide," I whispered to Ralph and both of us ducked into the nearby thorny bushes. Which cut our skin in numerous places but it was better than becoming bird food. We watched it circling above us for a while, searching for something it could devour. Failing to do so, it finally headed back in the direction of the dark realm. 

We waited for a few more minutes before coming out. "Ugggh," Ralph made a disgusted face as he frantically removed cobwebs that had gotten stuck to him from the bush. I helped him, his face and head were bruised and so were his hands. Thorns had pricked us and some spots began to bleed. We pressed them to stop the bleeding, it was dangerous to bleed in an open area. 

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