
Chapter 14

Serene's POV

It was finally my 18th birthday. We spent the last few days skimming through every library in our realm to find any clues about the incident. But, we didn't find much. Zian and Crimzon promised me that they will keep looking for answers.

I had made all my arrangements and would be leaving first thing in the morning. But, today I wanted to spend all my time with my family and Zian. I had always been a lonely person so Zian was the only friend I had and that was also solely because of his effort. He made a 90 per cent effort to become my best friend.

Agatha's voice brought me back to reality. "My dear, your dress is here. Let me help you get ready for the party," in a sweet voice with a beautiful smile lighting her face.

Uggh, why did Zian always have to throw parties for me? I hated parties, dressing up and being paraded in front of everyone. It was so much work, instead, I would prefer to practice my magic or read a book. But, he wouldn't listen to me and I just couldn't say no to him.

"Alright, let's get this over with," I sighed holding up my dress. It was a floor-length indigo-coloured gown to match my eyes and wings. It had long hanging sleeves with a shoulder area covered with multiple jewels of purple colour. The waist had a 5 cm belt which was fitted with matching jewels as well. It was just magnificent to look at. I choose matching earrings, a tiara and high heels to go with it.

Agatha helped me dress up, and did my hair and makeup. I was almost ready when I heard a knock. "Come in," I said. Zian popped his head in and his eyes sparkled when he looked at me. " Wow, you look stunning," he gave me a thumbs up.

"Well, you choose a beautiful dress for me, so thank you," I smiled back. "Let's get going now, guests are all here and the cake has arrived as well."

I took one final look at myself in the mirror and being satisfied with how I appeared we decided to head down. I wasn't very fond of makeup but I loved styling my hair and putting something in them. Be it a tiara, fancy pins or just some random flowers. Today, I choose a curly braid with open hair. Braid was embedded with beads and on top, I wore a Liliac tiara.

I quickly followed Zian and headed down the hall. Stairways and the hall were decorated with Purple, Liliac, and Mahogany flowers. It looked like spring season in the castle today. Father's friends, relatives, acquaintances, some of my class fellows from school and other noble families were all there. Looked like father and Zian had invited the whole realm.

Everyone gushed over me as I descended the stairs. I tried to shake hands with everyone, with a polite smile and thanked them for coming. I hugged my father and grandma and they wished me a happy birthday. Zian brought Crimzon who looked ravishing in a baby pink dress.

"Happy Birthday, you look stunning in this magnificent dress," she said handing me a bouquet of purple Chrysanthemums. "Thank you so much," I offered her my brightest smile. "Do you like the flower arrangement in the castle?" She asked glancing around.

"It's magnificent, I can't thank you enough for the effort you have put in," I replied with a smile. She had really outdone herself. I was so happy that Zian had found someone genuinely pure of heart. At least he won't be too sad once I leave.

"Oh! no problem at all. It's your big day so Zian and I wanted to make it special," she beamed at me.

"Attention! please," my father's voice echoed and everyone turned around to see him. My father was looking directly at me "Before we cut the cake I would like to say a few words, as you all know that my daughter will be leaving our realm for her studies tomorrow. I would like everyone to remember her in your thoughts and prayers so may she comes back stronger as the reigns of our kingdom will soon be in her hands. I love you, dearest, make us all proud," he smiled wholeheartedly at me and everyone clapped loudly while murmuring among themselves and smiling.

I felt myself blushing and walked over to my father to give him a big hug. Then we gathered around the table to cut the cake. It was a three-layered chocolate cake. It was my favourite. Zian knew me so well and he had made everything perfect for me today. He and Crimzon were standing right in front of me, hand in hand both smiling.

I blew out the candles and cut the cake. Everyone clapped and wished me a happy birthday. Then we distributed the cake to all the guests. I took my share and went to stand with Zian and Crimzon. Zian looked rather dull suddenly. "What happened?" I asked him while taking a huge bite of the cake. "Layla, she-devil is here and is eyeing us. You know her eyes are pure evil. Even the devil doesn't have such malevolent eyes," he said sarcastically. I burst out laughing.

Layla used to be our friend in school. Two years ago she and Zian started dating. But, she was always a bit manipulative and controlling. She gave him a really hard time. She was jealous of our friendship. Although we told her a million times that we were just friends, she gave Zian a hard time. Finally, Zian had enough and he broke up with her. She ended her friendship with me as well and became our mortal enemy.

"I am surprised, she decided to come. She never comes to our functions anymore," I eyed her back.

"Maybe, she came to curse you before you leave. Or to curse all of us." he tried to shield Crimzon with his body, sending us both into fits of laughter. This made her snob even more.

"Ignore her Zian," I whispered to him. But, she had started walking towards us. "Here comes the she-devil," Zian muttered.

She stopped near us facing Zian. "So, she is the one you replaced me with," she eyed Crimzon up and down. "Umm, Layla let's not be rude. We can all have a civil conversation," I faced her.

"I am not here to have a conversation, just wanted to see her close by," she pointed to Crimzon. "I hope you like what you see because I am here to stay," Crimzon flashed her a smile. Layla's face was full of rage and before things escalated I took her arm and lead her outside where the banquet was arranged.

"Let's eat, everyone," I shouted and everyone began to follow me." She shrugged her arm, getting it free and walked away without saying a word to me. I sighed. "Well, at least we will eat in peace."

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