
Chapter 366. The announcement

The Game awards was a major event at the end of the year for all gaming companies and fans. It was the night when the Game of the Year would be announced. 

A prestigious award that every game wants to get. 

But the major attraction of the event was actually not the different types of awards or which game would be crowned the best game of the year. 

The major attraction were the game announcements that would be made every year. Aside from that, there would also be footage from the games that had already been announced. 

With gaming becoming a huge media and entertainment industry, getting billions and billions of dollars revenue everyday, more and more companies have started taking a step into it. 

That had increased the amount of games that were being made by a lot. 

Though, only major companies were able to announce their games at the game awards and it cost a lot for an indie developer to do it. 

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