
Chapter 176

5 days later

"Ma'am, we are now out of the enemies jamming range. Activating the transponder now" informed the pilot as the transponder for each shuttle was active at the same time.

Onboard the scout ship dubbed Alpha-02, Sentinel the AI in charge of the Ascendency scout ships had detected the sudden activation of transponders from multiple sources. In response Sentinel quickly analyzed the signals and recognized them to be from Ascendency shuttles.

Sentinel sent a report to the Ascendency command staff who informed Axel. "Sir here is the report we received from one of our scout ships." Said the Lt as he handed the holo pad to Axel.

As he read through the holo pad, the Lt began to explain what they had so far, "From what we know, the transponder signals are 100% Ascendency in origin, but because of our current situation we need your approval to do anything."

Axel nodded in response as he handed the holo pad back, "This could be the crew of the lost science ship, or it could be a trap. But whatever it is, send 3 Frigates to investigate, if it's indeed the lost crew, then bring them back, but if it's a trap then the frigates should retreat to a safe location to ensure they aren't followed before returning here."

"Absolutely, sir. I'll send the order right away." The lieutenant saluted and walked briskly out of the room. Half an hour later, 3 Frigates had detached from the Flagship and headed to the transponder signal's location.

Onboard one of the escape shuttles, Lt. Meyers watched as the pilot navigated the course they had picked through space. "The Ascendency ships should pick up our signal soon," the pilot said, more to himself than anyone else. His hands were restless, fingers tapping on the console and eyes constantly switching between the transponder signal and the viewing screen.

Lt. Meyers turned around and saw Captain Harper lying still on the ground as she was recovering from the injuries she sustained. She had been taken care of by the medical staff onboard, making her stable enough to survive their journey.

A few minutes later, the Frigates arrived at the location of the transponder signals.

Their scanners picked up a handful of escape shuttles, their identification matched with the records of the lost science ship. As instructed by Axel, they quickly launched their recovery operations.

Simultaneously, aboard one of the escape shuttles, Lt. Meyer's eyes widened when she saw the approach of Ascendency ships. Finally, they would be rescued after being trapped in this galaxy for a long time.

"Sir," the AI onboard one of the frigates announced, "We have successfully docked all escape shuttles."

"Good," Commander Masashi responded, "Ensure they receive immediate medical evaluations and have whoever is in charge meet me on the bridge."

"Aye sir," replied the AI as it began relaying the orders to the appropriate personnel.

Back on the Ascendency Flagship, Axel was deep in discussion with Omni about the requirements and steps to further their progress on the wormhole project. His attention was pulled away as a holographic image flickered to life in front of his desk; it was Commander Masashi.

"Sir," he saluted, "We have successfully recovered the escape shuttles and their occupants. The medical team is currently attending to them."

Axel nodded, acknowledging the report and ordered, "Have them debriefed as soon as they're capable, we need to understand what happened to their ship."

"Yes, sir," Masashi answered before ending the transmission.

After receiving medical attention, Harper was ushered to a debriefing room where Lt. Meyers awaited her. The two shared a brief reunion before the gravity of their situation took precedence.

"Captain" called out Commander Masashi, "It's good to see you in good health"

"Thank you, Commander, I'm glad that we are finally saved after being stuck here for so long." replied Captain Harper.

But the Commander's face said otherwise as he continued, "I'm afraid there is more to discuss. But first, please tell me the whereabouts of the science ship and what transpired before you and your crew had to leave." He handed over a data pad which the captain would feel out so he could write a report.

Harper sighed heavily, collecting her thoughts before she began. "We were investigating a cosmic anomaly when we were ambushed by an unknown force," she said as she adjusted herself in her seat. "They were swift and brutal. The science ship stood no chance against their military vessels."

She plugged in a data chip which she made sure to grab before they had to abandon the ship, and an image of a strange vessel appeared on the holographic display. "This was the ship that attacked us, sir."

Commander Masashi's eyes narrowed at the sight of the alien vessel. It was a similar design to the Kynthari vessels which they encountered before. As she explained the rest of the story, Commander Masashi was a little shocked to learn that unknown alien forces boarded the science ship and massacred a good majority of the crew before they escaped, and the ship self-destructed.

And then to learn that more people were possibly still trapped while under attack by those very same aliens. Commander Masashi had sent the report immediately to his superiors. Receiving the report, a meeting was called with Axel and all the High-ranking Officers.

"This is what we have on the matter and based off of this I want those remaining soldiers saved and whoever attacked them to be wiped off the face of that planet." Axel's voice echoed around the room.

The other officers didn't have any objections nor anything else to say. They could see that Axel was seeking a little vengeance for this attack. It was an interstellar hunt for justice, a vendetta that would be carried out without mercy.

Amongst the meticulous planning and coordination that followed, a fleet of heavy assault ships were being readied for departure. Commanded by an MCU Fleet Commander and ground Commander. Attached to this task force were 2 Spartan squads in case the enemy soldiers had some powerful soldiers that they didn't know about.

Their main mission was clear: rescue any survivors, recover or destroy any remaining Ascendency property, then eliminate the enemy forces.

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