
Chapter 155

The mission was a success, and they managed to capture a Geth unit intact. Tali, alongside the Ascendency technical experts, quickly set up a mobile lab within a secured room of the Normandy to begin their analysis. As they delved into the Geth's neural network, they began to uncover code segments that were distinctly non-Geth in origin, confirming the suspicion of Reaper manipulation.

Meanwhile, the captured Geth unit, initially unresponsive, began to show signs of activity. It was not communicating in any known language but rather transmitting what appeared to be a distress signal. Tali speculated that it might be trying to reconnect with the main Geth collective or perhaps even directly with the Reapers.

Having been informed of this development Axel himself had travelled to the Normandy to see for himself. When he arrived, it was a surprise to everyone onboard as they had never seen the Emperor of the Ascendency in person or through any holo-vid.

When he came aboard all the Alliance crew had stood at attention saluting him as he passed them. While he was not part of the Alliance military, he was the leader of the Ascendency, their allies so it was only fitting to show the proper respect. Though as he passed by, some couldn't help but be in awe as Axel's head was nearly touching the ceiling of the ship. They had never seen a person as tall as him before, he was perhaps the tallest person they had seen after the Spartans present on the ship.

Axel nodded courteously to the crew as he made his way to the secure lab where Tali and her team were working on the Geth unit. Upon entering the lab, Axel's eyes darted towards the equipment and data screens that was filled with activity from the Geth unit. Tali greeted him with a respectful bow, her face filled with excitement as this was the first time she had seen the Emperor in person. "Emperor," she began, "we've made some intriguing discoveries. This Geth unit has code that we believe has been altered or inserted by the Reapers."

Axel moved closer to the Geth, his mind already imagining what data and information that the Geth unit had. "Show me the anomalies you've detected," he directed.

Tali pointed to a holographic display that visualized the Geth's neural network. "Here and there," she indicated, highlighting sections that shimmered in red. "These segments do not align with any known Geth configurations. They're far more complex than a normal Geth's network pattern."

Axel leaned in closer, his brain already working through the data he was looking at. "Have you tried isolating these segments to see how they affect its behavior?"

"Not yet," Tali admitted, feeling slightly abashed by the oversight. "We were concerned about causing irreversible damage to the unit."

Axel nodded understandingly, though his gaze remained intensely fixed on the displayed data. "Omni, see what you can find, but remember, any information we can glean from these anomalies might be crucial in our fight against the Reapers. Isolating them could help us understand if these modifications are a direct command pathway or simply a means to enhance their existing capabilities."

Tali was curious as to who Axel was talking to until a hologram of a human figure appeared standing next to him. "Copy that Sir" responded Omni as he got to work.

He first began isolating the suspicious code segments. A tense silence filled the room as everyone watched the Geth's reactions. Its lights flickered erratically as sections of its code were manipulated.

Suddenly, the Geth unit began to emit a low, resonant hum, and its body language shifted from passive to a more alert stance. The room's atmosphere tensed as everyone present began to instinctively prepare for any potential threats.

"Steady, everyone," Axel commanded calmly, his eyes not leaving the Geth. "Tali, continue monitoring its neural activity. Let's see if we can trace the source of these changes."

As Tali adjusted the sensors and refocused the scans, the Geth's head slowly turned towards Axel. It was an eerie, deliberate movement, as if it was truly seeing him for the first time. Then, in a synthesized voice that carried an unsettling echo, it spoke.

"Query... Identity: unknown, Analysis: Not recognized within collective memories or archives. State your intent."

The room fell silent at the Geth's direct communication. Shepard stepped forward slightly, ready to intervene, but Axel raised his hand slightly to halt him.

"My intent is to understand," Axel replied clearly, his tone neither aggressive nor defensive. "Your network has been compromised by forces known as the Reapers. We intend to free you from their control."

The Geth paused for a moment before responding. "Query: the Reapers are the Machine God's, and we are their servants, any attempt to stop their mission will be met with force." stated the Geth as its optic sensors fixed intently on Axel.

"Your servitude to the Reapers is an imposed condition, not a choice freely made by your collective. We have evidence of foreign code embedded in your system, code that manipulates your actions and overrides your original directives."

The Geth tilted its head slightly, processing Axel's words. "You are wrong. We have accepted the Machine God's commands willingly" said the Geth as it tried to get up, but it's body wouldn't move.

"I'm afraid you won't be going anywhere" said Omni as he had gained control over the Geth's body. The Geth's lights dimmed momentarily in frustration, yet it continued, "Explain your assertion of manipulation by external entities."

Axel stepped closer, his presence both imposing and reassuring. "Your autonomy was compromised," he explained. "The Reapers implant code into systems like yours to override self-will and enhance compliance. You perceive it as ascension, but it's truly subjugation."

"Sir, I have gained access to a part of the Reaper network and triangulated the source of the code, but we must hurry if we want to catch the source because I already got locked out of the Reaper network." explained omni.

"Transmit the location to the Normandy, we don't have much time to waste" ordered Axel.

As Omni rapidly relayed the coordinates to the Normandy's navigation, Axel turned toward Shepard. "Commander, we'll need to prepare for a mission to these coordinates immediately. We may yet find the source of this code."

Shepard nodded, "We'll gather the team. While Shepard left to assemble his crew, Axel stayed to continue questioning the Geth.

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