
Chapter 132

"Sir, here is the report from Tuchunka." said Awon Padrok as he transferred the data from his Omni tool to Jamon vuzom's Omni tool. "The attack was unsuccessful as every mercenary that joined was hunted down and killed by the Ascendency forces besides a few who were seen being taken prisoner."

Jamon Vuzom was the Binary Helix representative put in charge of organizing a group of mercenaries to attack the research facility on Tuchunka. Their main motivation was stealing the progress that was made so far on the Genophage cure and using it to come up with their own cure to monopolize it and make tremendous amounts of money.

In doing so they would also be able to manipulate many Krogan to join them and create a massive army for themselves to take over the Terminus systems. But now this plan of theirs had failed along with the attack. They had invested a lot of money into hiring mercenaries, but they knew the risks and were satisfied with the results.

Not only were they able to gather some information on the Ascendency ground forces, but they also saw the capabilities of the Honor Guards which would allow them to create a weapon to counter them.

Looking over the report Jamon sighed, "At least we were able to gather some useful data on their military forces, but I knew that hiring those mercenaries were a mistake, did they not remember what happened to the Batarians." Questioned Jamon. The Batarians were defeated within a week after the Ascendency declared war.

Yet the executives of Binary Helix had ignored this important fact and instead let their greed control them and guide their decision-making. The allure of the Genophage cure and the potential power a Krogan army would provide had been too strong. Now, they were left with only data and a significant dent in their resources.

"As we foresaw, the Ascendency forces are not to be trifled with," Jamon continued in a bitter tone, scrolling through the combat footage captured during the attempted raid on Tuchunka. He was no genius in military tactics, but one could see how superior both the tactics and equipment of the Ascendency soldiers were.

Suddenly, a holographic image of a soldier clad in advanced powered armor, wielding a weapon Jamon had never seen before, flickered to life in front of him. It was one of the Ascendency's Honor Guards, yet it looked as terrifying as the stories suggested. Tall, fast, and brutal, they dispatched mercenaries with ruthless precision.

"Look at them," Jamon murmured to himself, observing the holographic images of these super-soldiers mowing down their enemies. "They are nothing like the standard soldiers. They're more akin to machines than beings."

Awon nodded his agreement, his gaze fixated on the holo-display. "Indeed, sir. Either they are vastly superior to the humans within the Alliance or they're enhanced with some sort of bio-mechanical augmentation... something we haven't encountered before."

The taste of defeat was bitter, but Jamon also recognized opportunity within this setback. If they could find a way to replicate or counteract this advanced technology...

"Padrok," Jamon said, breaking the silence. "I want you to gather a team…" He was interrupted as the facilities alarm had gone off along with the facility Virtual Intelligence (VI).

"Intruders detected within section 12B. Security breach. Initiating lockdown protocols." the voice of the VI echoed throughout the facility. Security forces all around the base began to mobilize in response to this threat.

Within section 12B, a Spartan team had broken into the base under orders to interrogate Jamon who was connected to the attack against the Empress.

Looking at the security cameras, Jamon's face turned pale as he looked at the source of the alarm through his Omni tool. "They're here? How?" he stammered as he watched the security forces be overwhelmed and wiped out.

The sight on the screen was an echo of what they had just viewed in the combat footage from Tuchunka, only this time, it was their own security forces being cut down like chaff before the wheat.

The Spartans moved as one, their actions perfectly coordinated, as if they were extensions of each other's senses. They seemed invincible against the futile attempts to stop them by the security forces.

Awon's eyes were wide with terror. "We need to evacuate," he said hoarsely, already moving to gather their data. But Jamon was frozen, staring at the screens as if mesmerized by a particularly horrific spectacle too terrifying to look away from.

A series of thick metal doors began sealing every exit, attempting to contain the invaders within section 12B. Yet it didn't seem like anything could hold back the attackers.

Meanwhile, in section 12B, Spartan Fireteam Echo pushed forward relentlessly. Despite the base's lockdown protocols, they continued their relentless advance, cutting a path through the sections of the base. Not even the metal doors could stop them as the AI assisting the Spartan team was unlocking and opening a path for them.

The security forces were like deer in front of a predatory cat, helpless and terrified. The Spartan team, however, showed no emotion, no mercy. Their objective was clear: Capture Jamon Vuzom alive for interrogation, anybody that got in their way was just an obstacle that needed to be removed.

Jamon finally regained his composure and turned to Awon, "We need to evacuate immediately. Set a course for the Illium branch office." He quickly grabbed a small case containing crucial information from his desk drawer and stuffed it into his pocket.

Awon was about to comply when the door to their office suddenly exploded inward. Debris filled the room as two figures stepped through the smoke and dust. Spartans; their visors glowed ominously in the dim light emitted by the emergency red lighting that had kicked in due to lockdown.

"Jamon Vuzom, under the authority granted to me by the Emperor of the Imperial Ascendency, I hereby place you under arrest," declared the Spartan in a voice that was both stern and emotionless. The Spartan's statement echoed around the room, causing Jamon's heart to pound wildly in his chest.

"Under what charges?" Jamon managed to ask, trying to appear unshaken.

"Conspiracy against the Imperial Ascendency, espionage, and for organizing an attack against the Empress," replied the Spartan. His words felt like a judge's gavel announcing a harsh sentence.

In this moment Jamon wished that he didn't accept the job of organizing that mercenary group as it would probably cost him his life. No plea for mercy or negotiation was going to save them now.

"No need for a trial then? You're judge, jury, and executioner?" Jamon spat out bitterly. He saw how brutal the Ascendency forces were, so he tried to bring up the fact that he hadn't even gone through a trial yet to be accused of such accusations.

"We are not the executioners," replied the second Spartan in a voice that hinted at impatience. "Your fate will be decided by those higher up."

The Spartans moved in swiftly, securing both Jamon and Awon with restraints made from the same power source as their shield but changed to act as restraints instead of a force field.

Once secured and stripped of their personal communication devices, they were led away from their office, now a smoldering ruin, through the same path of destruction they had watched unfolding on the security screens only moments earlier.

Across the Terminus systems, the same destruction was happening in dozens of places. Whether they be politicians or other highly influential people, if they had as little as even a pinky in funding or organizing the attack then they were targets.

Any companies who were directly involved were also targeted, and their secret information would be leaked to the public for all to see.

In all corners of the Terminus systems, the power of the sleeping dragon which was the Ascendency was felt. Even on Illium, which is known for its neutrality in galactic affairs, covert operations were being conducted.

There were whispers among the corporate elite about potential targets within their midst. Long-standing corporations began to fortify their defenses while others called for negotiation with the Ascendency. However, they were not granted an audience.

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