
Chapter 127

A/N: Option 2 won the vote so going forward that will be the appearance of Atlas Station.

(Atlas Station Image)



Over the course of the next few months, Atlas station has brought in a lot of visitors from various species. Already more than 2 million people have become permanent residents of the station with more than 6 million being either temporary residents or tourists.

As time passed, the station continued to grow in size and reputation. More and more species came to visit Atlas station, bringing with them their unique cultures and technologies. The Fusion Sphere saw countless breakthroughs in science and technology for various other species, while the Pantheon flourished with diverse cultural expressions from across the galaxy.

Visiting delegates from the farthest corners of the galaxy were constantly coming and going, imparting their knowledge, learning from others, and engaging in diplomatic negotiations. Traders peddled exotic wares from worlds too distant to imagine, and scientists eagerly gathered data, conducted experiments, and collaborated on research projects.

Adventurers, explorers, and mercenaries seeking fortune or glory looked to the station as a hub through which the entire galaxy could be accessed. From their starting point at Atlas Station, they ventured into the unexplored regions of space, hostile environments and unknown adversaries in search of new planets, civilizations, resources and treasures.

The ASF remained vigilant amongst this buzz of activity. The MCUs patrolled every corner of Atlas station tirelessly, ensuring the safety of all civilians on board while maintaining peace among diverse species with potentially conflicting interests.

Reports from Tuchanka were promising; Catherine's research was progressing smoothly despite political tensions on the planet with Catherine even finding allies among the Krogan people. Every progress report she sent showed that a cure for the genophage would soon be found.

But keeping this research secret from the other prying eyes was nearly impossible, though Axel never intended to keep it a secret at all.

The result of this was the council finding out about the research being done by the Ascendency. Upon hearing the news, the council attempted to negotiate with the Ascendency to stop their research of the cure.

But their negotiations never even made it to Axel and was instead directed to Miranda who simply argued that the krogan had suffered for far too long for a war that was long gone, and the fact that innocent children was being killed before they could even live their life was something that they would not stand for.

The Turians and Salarians were ready to go to war over this issue as they didn't want to repeat the same mistakes of the past. The Turians, in particular, argued that a resurgence in krogan population would destabilize the galactic balance.

Word of Catherine's research had spread throughout Atlas station as well, sparking myriad reactions among its diverse inhabitants. Volus traders speculated wildly about market shifts that could be caused by a cure for the genophage. Salarian scientists eagerly discussed the psychosocial implications of such a cure for the Krogan race.

Meanwhile, the Asari, ever the diplomats, attempted to mediate tensions, arguing for a balanced approach to the krogan issue. They advocated for strict monitoring and oversight mechanisms in place to ensure krogan population growth was moderated without resorting to a genophage.

The normally contemplative Drell pondered on the philosophical ramifications of altering the natural life cycle of a species, while the pragmatic Batarians simply stood on the Ascendency's side voicing their support for the research of the genophage cure.

On Tuchanka, Catherine was making significant strides in her research. She had managed to isolate certain gene sequences that were directly affected by the genophage. It was painstaking work which required all her focus and dedication. All around her, the Krogan clans watched with a mixture of skepticism and hope.

Their rugged homeworld had hardened them to disappointments. Yet some dared to believe that the young human scientist might be able to achieve what others had failed to do, give them a way out of their slow extinction.

The Alliance stance on all of this was mainly neutral as they were a recent addition to the galaxy and were still considered a rising galactic power. They were mainly focused on their colonization efforts within the Terminus systems and parts Attican traverse that the Ascendency hadn't expanded its influence to yet.

Throughout the galaxy it was difficult at times to remember the differences between the Humans of the Ascendency and the Alliance. The humans within the Ascendency were on average much taller than those of the Alliance and were more interested in interacting with other races.

While the Alliance on the other hand were shorter than the Ascendency humans and a little xenophobic towards other species following the first contact war. Despite this they still enjoy good relations with the Asari Republics and the Salarian Union. And it maintains a cold, yet relatively friendly, relationship with the Turian Hierarchy, though animosity over the First Contact War and the occupation of Shanxi remains.

Their greatest diplomatic relationship was with the Ascendency naturally as the Alliance was made up of their own kind. However, there was an undercurrent of rivalry brewing between the two factions, as the Ascendency's rapid expansion and influence was starting to cast a long shadow over the Alliance's own efforts in the galactic stage.

As such, the Alliance remained silent on the issue of the genophage, begrudgingly letting the Ascendency take the lead while they watched from the sidelines. The Ascendency's audacious attempts to cure a problem that had confounded some of the best minds in the galaxy for centuries were a bold move which threatened to further advance their standing amidst galactic powers.

While all of this political grandstanding was taking place, Axel had visited Thessia to continue his exploration of Asari culture. He found himself fascinated by their culture and uniqueness as they were the only race that didn't need males to reproduce.

He was shown towards Mount Athame, one of Thessia's spiritual landmarks and home to an ancient order of Asari priestesses who were known for their cryptic prophecies. At the peak of the mountain, he was met by High Priestess Elethia who had been expecting his arrival. Her eyes glowed with immeasurable wisdom as she welcomed him into her sanctuary.

The High Priestess, believed to be one of the oldest living Asari, was known for her prophetic insights and sage counsel. Despite her age, she remained a figure of striking beauty like most Asari.

"Welcome, Emperor Axel," she greeted Axel in her melodic voice. "We knew your coming was foretold in the stars."

Elethia instructed her acolytes to prepare a special ceremony for Axel. She claimed that the stars had aligned in a way that only happens once every thousand cycles and that it was of utmost importance he witness it. The mystic ritual, seeped in time-worn traditions, highlighted the deep connection between Asari spirituality and the cosmos, a part of Asari culture that had largely been overlooked by outsiders.

The ceremony was held under the open night sky, dappled with celestial bodies. Axel felt a sense of awe creep over him. The Asari Priestesses danced rhythmically, their movements tracing intricate patterns that mimicked the constellations above. Their voices echoed across the plateau, ancient words in an archaic language he didn't understand.

The essence of the Asari ceremony was transfixing as it reflected both an elevated spirituality and respect for scientific understanding. The priestesses danced and chanted in accordance with the celestial bodies' movements and positions, their choreography shifting with the alterations in the cosmic landscape.

From his vantage point on Mount Athame, Axel watched as the priestesses moved in synchrony with the universe. A sensation of strange tranquility washed over him, as if for that moment he stood at the center of all existence.

Asari priestesses were often dismissed by other races as relics from a bygone era. Yet, witnessing their ceremony firsthand imbued Axel with a newfound appreciation for their unshakable faith in the cosmic order and their graceful acceptance of their place within it.

As the ceremony ended, Elethia approached Axel. Her eyes seemed to hold a universe worth of knowledge. She beckoned him closer, her voice barely a whisper against the chill mountain air.

"Emperor Axel," she began, "You are a cosmic catalyst, a force that will bring about significant change. The stars have aligned for you. You are intertwined with the destiny of the Krogan."

"But how?" Axel questioned, curious about this unexpected revelation.

"The how is not for me to answer," Elethia responded, her gaze shifting upwards to the space above them. "Your path will reveal itself in time. You must trust in the cosmos and your own instincts."

Keeping her words in the back of his head he continued to converse with her, wanting to continue to learn more about the long-established ways of the Asari culture.

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