
Chapter 122

"Given that you've come such a long way, Emperor Axel," she began, focusing her gaze on him. "I assume your proposition is of great importance."

"That it is, Admiral," Axel responded as he turned toward one of his guards who stepped forward, handing him a small device. He placed it on the table surface and activated it.

A Holographic image of a ring world appeared in front of all the Quarians present. "This," Axel began, his voice reverberating in the hushed room, "is a Halo. A construct of advanced design and immeasurable potential." He paused, allowing the image to be absorbed by those present. In truth it was a weapon, but Axel could have it built in a way that is simply just a ring world.

Admiral Naema'Rafal looked at the holographic display with intense interest, her gaze scanning over the massive ringworld. "What is its purpose?" she finally asked.

"Halo is a habitat," Axel replied. "A livable environment, capable of supporting life on a planetary scale."

"And what does this Halo have to do with us?" Another Quarian, presumably a high-ranking officer, asked suspiciously from his seat near the Admiral.

Axel leaned back in his chair, looking at each individual Quarian in turn before settling his gaze on the curious officer.

"Everything," he said simply. "The Halo constructs were built with unimaginable technology and resources." He pointed towards the image of the ringworld. "And it is my proposal that the Quarian Fleet be given one such structure as a new home planet."

The room fell into stunned silence. The Quarians exchanged glances, their expressions hidden behind their visors, but their shock clearly audible in the gasps that echoed around the room. Axel patiently waited for their reactions to subside before he continued.

"Understandably, such a proposition seems too vast to comprehend. You have been adrift for centuries, moving from system to system in search of resources to sustain your lives and your culture," Axel said. "What I offer is a solution to your dilemma, a chance to finally settle down."

A murmur ran through the room as the Quarians began discussing among themselves. Axel allowed them this moment, understanding that his proposal was a massive paradigm shift for them.

"But...why?" Admiral Naema'Rafal finally asked, her voice quivering slightly with disbelief. "Why would you offer us such...generosity?"

"The Quarians have been marginalized and pushed aside for far too long by powers who cared little for your survival or prosperity. I intend to change that trend. True you are the creators of the Geth, a sentient race of synthetics who threaten many in the galaxy with their mere presence. But the past is the past and you cannot blame an entire species for a mistake which has already been paid"

"Forgive us, Emperor Axel," another Quarian spoke up after a moment of heavy silence, "for questioning your motives. But your proposition is...astounding."

Axel nodded, understanding their skepticism. "It is a tall order to ask you to believe in me, but I am no deceiver. You can trust that much."

"This Halo...it is really capable of supporting life?" A voice finally broke the silence.

"As much as any planet, and even more so in some regards," Axel confirmed. "Its design allows for a vast variety of environments to be created within. And we could adapt it to accommodate Quarian physiology specifically." While the Halo's atmosphere was breathable for all species, the Quarians were a little different as they had been living in their suits for centuries.

Their bodies would need time to adapt to an open environment. "I am well aware of your unique physiology, and the necessary precautions that must be taken. The Halo can be adjusted to simulate the environment of your suits, making it easier for your species to adapt over time. Eventually, it could be set to mimic the conditions of your lost homeworld, giving you the chance to live freely again."

There was a stunned silence in the room as Axel's words sunk in. The idea of a new homeworld, a place where they could live without their suits and experience life as it was meant to be...it was all too overwhelming.

"To answer the question, you must all be thinking..." Axel continued, scanning their hidden faces once more. "Why? Why would I offer such a thing to you? It is simple, the Citadel council in all its glory stands only for itself and often ignores the opinions of the minor races and makes selfish decisions. You have been robbed of your rightful place in this galaxy by those who saw you as a threat rather than potential allies or equals. I intend to rectify that."

The silence stretched out once more, this time not from shock but as each Quarian deliberated on his words. "Such an undertaking...would require enormous resources," Admiral Naema'Rafal stated, her tone cautious yet hopeful. "Resources we do not currently possess."

Axel simply chuckled, "That is where you are mistaken, Admiral," he replied. "We have the resources required, and we are willing to invest them in this endeavor."

The Admiral looked at him skeptically. "And what would you want in return? Even the most generous benefactor asks for something."

"True, Admiral," Axel agreed, his tone still calm and composed. "Yet what I ask may come as a surprise. I ask for no monetary compensation, no debt to be paid." He paused for a moment, allowing his words to sink in. "What I ask is for a promise of alliance and cooperation between the Quarians and my people and to become one of the founding members of a new Galactic Federation to rival the council species."

The Admiral blinked in surprise, collecting her thoughts for a moment before she replied, "A Galactic Federation…" The words rolled off her tongue as if testing out the idea.

"Yes," Axel affirmed, his eyes never leaving hers. "An alliance that stands for unity and mutual respect among all species. A federation that does not discriminate or marginalize minorities, one that believes in equality and aims to create peace throughout the galaxy."

"But why us?" Another Quarian spoke from across the table. "Why would you want the Quarians in such a federation?"

Axel leaned back in his chair, crossing his arms over his chest as he regarded the Quarian questioning him. "Because the Quarians are capable of more than you realize," he explained. "Your people are survivors, resourceful and innovative. Your creations, like the Geth, show how advanced your technological capabilities are. You have been marginalized for too long and it's time you reclaimed your rightful place among the stars."

A murmur ran through the room as the Quarians considered his words. "But surely we can't be seen as equals with...with your people," another Quarian officer interjected. "Your technology is far superior...your resources are vast..."

Axel smiled faintly at that admission but shook his head slightly in response. "Technological superiority does not determine worth," he corrected softly. "What matters is the will and spirit of a people, the desire to grow, to prosper, to overcome hardships... and you have these in abundance."

Admiral Naema'Rafal stood up slowly. "Emperor Axel," she began, her voice echoing around the room with intense emotion. "Your words touch us deeply... They bring hope where there once was none... You offer us not just a new home but a chance at prosperity and peace..."

She took a moment to collect her thoughts before looking Axel straight in the eye. "We would be honored to join such a federation, though we may need time to digest all this... Could we perhaps discuss this in more detail? There are intricacies to be sorted, agreements to be drafted, and obviously, our people need to be informed."

"Of course," Axel agreed, nodding in acknowledgement. "I understand the magnitude of what I have proposed. It is only fair that you take your time to think it over."

"We'll arrange follow-up meetings to iron out the specifics," he added. "And if you have any questions or concerns, don't hesitate to ask."

Whispered conversations filled the room as Axel made his exit, leaving the Quarians to make one of the most important decisions of their lives.

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