
Chapter 84

In addition to his election as the new Lord Protector of the UHE, Catherine also had her 2nd and 3rd child back in August of 2538. The two were born twins and were named Arthur and Andrew and took Axel's last name.

During the senate election, both Arthur and Andrew had reached 6 months if age and were much more active then Miranda was when she was 6 Months. Before he was elected, they would be all crawling all over his office and bothering him as he was working.

Not that he didn't mind as he enjoyed their presence and often played with them. But he was also busy sometimes, so he created a mini MCU that would play with the two while he was busy.

After a few days they ended up liking the mini MCU and would spend hours interacting with it, cooing and giggling in sheer delight. The MCU took the shape of a friendly metallic bear, programmed to teach basic cognitive skills and promote physical growth. It became the twins' trusted companion.

Whenever Axel travelled through space, he brought them along. Whenever they were travelling in space the two of them loved to watch the stars outside the window, which caused them to become quiet on the trip. Axel had learned of this and had programmed his office ceiling to project holographic stars which seemed to calm them down.

Miranda, who was in her second year of high school and was now 14, had become very close with her two little brothers. She visited them often and the three of them got along besides when Arthur and Andrew would constantly annoy her just to get some joy out of it.

The family dynamic was growing quite well, much to the relief of Catherine who feared that the age gap between Miranda and the twins might be too vast for them to bond effectively. Miranda, intelligent and empathetic beyond her years, took the role of her brothers' guardian to heart.

While Arthur and Andrew were yet to learn their first words, they had already developed a secret language of coos and giggles. It was a hilarious sight for Axel to watch his boys communicating in such a manner as if plotting a great scheme against the universe.

Catherine watched all this with a serene smile on her face, her heart filled with contentment. She couldn't have asked for a better family. The twins' playful demeanor reminded her of the innocence that still bloomed within the universe while Miranda's growing intellect kept everyone on their toes.

Leaving the matter of his personal life aside, Axel's new position had received a lot of support amongst the population thanks to his agenda that enforced unity amongst all humans and his overall popular support.

After coming into office, new position needed to be filled to represent the civilian part of the Government. He had planned to create new positions such as the Director of Human Welfare which would oversee the distribution of resources and ensure the welfare of every citizen as the expansion of the united human empire progressed.

Positions like the Minister of defense were abolished because there was no need for the position. Other positions such as the Department of treasury, Department of transportation, and Department of Technological Innovation were created for the civilian government.

Other positions would be created by the Senate as time went on to ensure the smooth operation of the new government. The position of Chairman of the UNSC was integrated into the new Lord protector position. In addition to this Axel appointed new people to the positions of Chief of Spartan Operations and Commander-in-Chief of ONI. He no longer required these positions as the position of Lord protector superseded them.

He was still head of the UNSC security council which would continue to represent the UNSC military in its entirety. His responsibilities did not end with merely setting up positions and appointing people. It was also his duty to ensure that these offices functioned effectively, that their work reflected the ethos of unity and welfare he had promised.

The Director of Human Welfare has undergone numerous revisions. The inadequate resource distribution system was revamped. A new policy was put in place to make sure that no citizen starved or was denied access to basic facilities because of their location or status.

The Department of Transportation would see a revolution as well. Efficient connectivity would become the priority. New trade routes would be established, rekindling commerce between planets with the new technology that was created ensuring faster transportation of resources between planets.

The Department of Technological Innovation, under Axel's directive, would receive a surge of resources and creativity. New advancements in healthcare, communication, and space exploration would be developed to add to the rapid progress of humanity thus far.

These new announcements and promises had made the civilian population extremely satisfied. In a few years people would become healthier, happier, and their basic needs would be taken care of. Still Axel was always looking towards the future and what it would bring.

Meanwhile somewhere in Covenant space, Imperial Admiral Xytan 'Jar Wattinree was standing aboard his Flagship looking amongst the stars. In the distance a planetary battle was waging between his forces and some heretic forces who tried to take control of the planet and attempted to rebel because they were on the edge of Covenant space.

Standing tall and formidable, Xytan 'Jar Wattinree was a figure of authority, his scarlet armor gleaming as he stood on the bridge of his ship. His eyes, full of focused determination, were fixed on the skirmish unfolding before him in the cold vacuum of space. The bitter taste of betrayal still lingered, as he watched his own people turn against each other in a pursuit of dominion.

The Covenant ships, once united under the banner of faith and obedience, now clashed in a chaotic spectacle. Magnificent vessels were reduced to flaming debris within seconds, their remains illuminating the darkened cosmos with an eerie light. The battle was fierce and relentless; but for Imperial Admiral Xytan 'Jar Wattinree it was not just about quelling a rebellion; it was about restoring honor and justice.

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