
Chapter 23

The two Gorgon-class heavy destroyer's was a at the fore front of the battle group with the Epoch class Heavy Carrier at the rear and the Cruiser in the middle to support the two Heavy destroyers.

As they approached the three frigates they kept trying to contact them but they didn't respond. That's when a small group of fighters from the moon was spotted rapidly approaching the battlegroup.

"Admiral there is 14 fighter class craft coming from the moon" Reported Avia.

"Copy that, Launch all fighters and open fire on those three Frigates" Ordered Axel. There was no need to waste time since it was clear that they were the enemy.

In the Hanger bay of the carrier various fighter pilots rushed to their respective fighters as the voice over the intercom gave out orders.

Inside the bay, engines whirred and roared to life. The air was rife with tension as pilots donned their helmets and prepared for the battle ahead.

"Blue squadron, you're up," the launch officer's voice echoed through each cockpit. A chorus of acknowledgements came over the comms.

Axel watched from the bridge as the first wave of fighters launched from the Leviathan's gaping bays. Each squadron consisted of 12 fighters and the Leviathan could carry up to 24 Fighter's plus a few more depending on how much space they have left in the Hangers.

The Fighter's that the insurrectionists were using were outdated fighter's which they probably acquired from companies selling off old equipment or from the CMA who gave them old technology to get rid of it and not draw to much attention.

As they rushed to meet their foes, the main batteries of the destroyers opened fire on the insurrectionist frigates. There was no need for the MAC cannon as of yet since it was just three frigates which they could deal with no problem.

"Status report," Axel demanded.

"Fighters have engaged enemy. First volley has hit enemy frigates, one of them has been disabled and the first two have returned fire" Avia reported.

"Keep firing at the Frigates and launch the second wave" Axel Ordered.

The Hanger doors opened and and the second squad of Fighters flew out to join the the first squad.

As the second wave took flight, a low hum filled the bridge as they watched the scene unfold. The outdated enemy fighters were quickly getting overwhelmed by the superior UNSC forces.

"Admiral, second wave is in formation with Blue Squadron," came the voice of Lieutenant Hayes, squadron leader of the second wave.

"Copy that, Lieutenant. Proceed with attack formation Delta." called out Axel.

An affirmative hummed over the communication channel as the two squadrons switched to their attack formation.

Out in front, The Gorgon-class destroyers continued their relentless fire on the insurrectionist frigates. As the weapons tore through frigates one of them blew up from overwhelming fire power. The remaining enemy frigate tried to turn around and escape the battle but a well placed shot at it's engines prevented that from happening.

"All targets are disabled or destroyed," Avia reported after a while, "No losses on our side."

"Good," Axel said, relief lining his tone. "Recall all fighters and prepare boarding teams."

"Aye sir." Avia replied.

Marines were dispatched to the ship with orders to apprehend any surviving rebels from the two frigates. Unfortunately, only one of the enemy ships was destroyed, but it was the result of their own choices.

At the same time Axel had dispatched a small Marine detachment to the surface of the moon where the signal was detected from.

Upon arrival the Marines were fired upon by insurrection soldiers within the base. The marines returned fire and with the support from Falcon's and other air support the insurrection base had fell shortly after.

Many of the insurrectionists had gave up and those that were injured were treated for their wounds and then arrested once they were out of critical condition.

Then Marines had searched the base and had brought back some valuable data from facility.

From the information collected the base that they attacked was the Freedom and Liberation Party's main base across the outer colonies. But it was not the only one, through analysis of the found data Axel had discovered various other locations across the system which were either hidden bases, assets, or allies of the Freedom and Liberation party.

Using this information Axel had conducted a large operation to shut down these bases while also patrolling systems to counter piracy and combat the other groups of the Insurrection.

The morale amongst the battlegroup was high after the first two victories over the insurrectionists, and as Axel continued to win victory after victory throughout the passing months the morale continued to be high.

The Months had turned into a grueling 2 years which Axel had spent conducting a lot of operations against the insurrectionists and showcasing his ability as an Admiral.

His success had shut up a few politicians and high ranking members of the UNSC who initially opposed his promotion to Admiral and his assignment to the outer colonies.

His victories brought him a lot of fame and support throughout the UNSC, and made him even more popular within the outer colonies.

Axel's victories over the insurrectionists were swift and sure. A strategic genius, he carried the weight of his rank and responsibilities with grace and determination, never allowing the darkness of war to consume his spirit. He had become a popular figure within the outer colonies amongst both the civilians and the insurrectionists.

As his victories piled up, more and more time was spent simply patrolling the outer colonies as most of the insurrection activity had died down. Numerous groups were destroyed preventing more groups from rising up and thousands of people were captured and trialed.

The victories were not without their cost, however. Lives were lost on both sides, Axel blamed their deaths on the insurrectionists who have already claimed millions of innocent lives. He stated that the soldiers fought for what they believed in and were the true heroes.

If course this was all just a political and public image move made by Axel to increase his popularity. But he did have sympathy for the families of the lost soldiers but he knew that they were not the first nor would they be the last ones to die.

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