
Chapter 20

Axel and his team of marines had been on the ground for weeks, gathering intelligence from the fearful inhabitants of the planet. At first, the locals were reluctant to speak, their silence fueled by their deep-seated fear of the insurrectionists. But as time went on and Axel's presence became more familiar, they began to open up, sharing valuable information about the United Rebel Front.

But after 2 weeks of being on the planet, Axel had led an operation against the insurrectionists group known as the United Rebel Front.

It was the same group in which he fought against during his first battle on Eridanus II and they were led by the same man. He had found out after the completion of the operation that Colonel Robert Watts was still leading the United Rebel Front and had become active once again.

The news of their defeat spread like wildfire among the local inhabitants, who finally saw a glimmer of hope in Axel and his men. For far too long, the insurrectionists had disrupted the stability of the planet with their dangerous ideas and influence over the population. They targeted vulnerable children, indoctrinating them into their cause and robbing them of a brighter future.

Days turned into weeks and while the insurrectionists lay low in hiding, Axel spent every waking hour deciphering any piece of information that could lead him to Watts. The inhabitants, now more comfortable with the marines' presence, offered invaluable support in Axel's quest. They all knew too well the kind of destruction United Rebel Front could unleash under Watts' leadership.

The citizens had initially rallied behind Watts when they first declared their independence. However, as their rebellion against the UNSC continued to fail, the United Rebel Front resorted to more aggressive and violent tactics. They began disregarding civilian casualties in their fight against the UNSC and even recruited young children into their movement, robbing them of a potential future that could have been brighter.

A sense of normalcy returned to the planet as the insurrectionists retreated further into irrelevance. The local markets started bustling with activity once more, children returned to schools, and adults to work. The marines, instead of being viewed as menacing occupiers, were now seen as liberators and protectors.

Days blurred into nights with Axel and his team hunched over maps lit by dimmed emergency lights in their makeshift war room, marking possible hideouts for Watts. The locals who had suffered under the United Rebel Front's rule, turned spies for Axel, providing him with further clues about Watts' whereabouts.

As they grew closer to locating Watts — a day's journey away from the city where the marines had set up base — Axel could feel the tension rising among his men. For many, this was personal. Lives had been lost, families torn apart. And at the center stood Colonel Robert Watts.

The day finally arrived when they were to carry out the operation against Watts. Under the pre-dawn sky laden with stars, Axel gathered his men around him for a final briefing. He looked into each of their eyes and saw a shared determination: all of them were ready to end this chapter of violence.

At 0800 on November 11th, 4 Pelicans carrying Marines and MCU's had took off escorted by 2 UH-144 Falcons. The final hideout of the United Rebel Front was discovered somewhere inside of the dense jungle.

They were spotted during a routine patrol by a Pelican which came under fire from the Insurrection base less than 24 hours ago. The Pelican was able to return back to base with minimal damage and the crew unhurt.

This time Axel decided to stay behind in the command center and command the marines and the MCU's from behind a screen.

As they neared the hideout two Longsword-class Interceptors flying above them had rushed forward towards the hideout.

"This is Alpha-1 to command, we have lock on the insurrection base, I say again we have lock on the Insurrectionists base" Reported one of the Longsword pilots.

"Acknowledged, Alpha-1," Axel's voice crackled over the comms. "Hold fire. Wait for my command."

The silence of anticipation hung heavy in the command room, the glow from the screens casting an eerie light on everyone's focused faces. Axel's eyes were glued to a map on his screen, a blinking dot representing the Longswords circling above the insurrectionist base well out of view of the insurrectionists and their weapons.

"Delta Team," Axel commanded over his headset "Move into position and await my signal. Remember, our priority is to capture Watts."

Delta team confirmed the orders and Alpha-1 continued to circle above the insurrectionist base. The seconds ticked by as they waited for the right moment to strike.

That's when Delta team had reached their position and started to unload from the Pelicans. The Falcons hovered above providing aerial cover as the Pelicans lifted off and began to move to their secondary position where they would wait to evac the Ground troops.

Beside them Bravo team had went their own way towards the base to attack it from another side.

After a few minutes of walking the view of the Insurrectionists base had came into view. Delta Teams commander had contacted command "Delta Team to Command, we are in position and ready to commence the mission" reported the Commander.

"Bravo Team to command, we are in position as well and ready to commence the mission" Reported Bravo Team's commander.

"Copy that, Alpha Team you are cleared hot to open fire" Ordered Axel.

In the next moments the 2 Longswords had unleashed a barrage of ASGM-10 Missiles at the Insurrectionists base.

At the same time Delta Team and Bravo Team moved towards the base as the Falcons laid down cover fire against any defenders still moving within the base.

A large wave of Marines and MCU's moved at the same time towards the base, taking cover as needed.

As they got closer the remaining defenders had attempted to open fire on the approaching infantry but they were gunned down by the Falcons or shot by the returned fire from the Ground troops.

Through the chaos and smoke of battle, the marines moved like a well-oiled machine, their movements precise and systematic. Every corner was checked, every room cleared - they were leaving no stone unturned in their search for Watts.

"Delta Two to command," a voice crackled over the comms. "We've secured the southern portion of the base. No sign of Watts."

"Acknowledged Delta Two, continue sweep." Axel responded, his eyes still glued to the screen in front of him, watching as the blinking dots on the map started moving further into the compound.

Meanwhile, Bravo team had managed to secure the northern side of the base but their progress was slower due to stubborn pockets of insurrectionists who were putting up a fierce fight. "Bravo One to Command," their leader radioed in. "We're meeting heavy resistance!"

Axel pursed his lips and looked at a separate screen that showed heat signatures within the compound. A cluster of red dots indicated insurrectionists holding up Bravo team while few scattered ones appeared to be retreating towards a structure at the eastern edge of the compound.

"Eagle Eye," he called into his mic. "I need eyes on East sector- structure at coordinate E7."

On the screen, an overhead drone started moving towards E7. Within moments an image popped up showing a stronghold-like structure with fortified walls and numerous guards at all entrances.

"Alpha One," Axel commanded. "Provide covering fire for Bravo Team on North side. Delta Team, move towards East sector. Watts is possibly in there."

As Delta team began to advance towards E7, they encountered moderate resistance but nothing they couldn't handle. With Alpha One providing cover, they managed to push through, leaving the rebels little time to prepare. As they neared the structure, Axel's voice echoed over their comms, "Delta Team, hold back. Bravo Two and Three, you're up."

Quick as lightning and twice as lethal, Bravo Two and Three moved into position. They were the demolitions experts, tasked with blowing the door to Watts' potential hideout. Their hands danced with practiced ease over the array of explosive devices they carried, selecting the most effective for the job.

"Bravo Two and Three in position," came a report from their commander.

"Standby," Axel confirmed soberly. He knew that as soon as that door was breached, anything could happen. Watts could be waiting on the other side with a platoon of his most loyal soldiers... or he could be alone, desperate and cornered.

 As Axel gave his go-ahead, a deafening boom echoed through the airwaves. Dust billowed up in thick clouds, obscuring vision momentarily before it began to settle under the artificial lights of their helmets. Gunshots rang out from inside, ricocheting off steel walls and concrete floors.

"Delta Team move!" commanded Axel.

Breaching into the stronghold revealed a scene of chaos. Some insurrectionists scrambled towards them firing wildly; others lay motionless amidst smoke and debris from the explosion. Yet there was no sign of Watts.

Suddenly, gunfire erupted from a fortified room at the back of the stronghold. A hailstorm of bullets sprayed from what appeared to be a last stand barricade.

Axel studied the live feed on his screen intensely. "Hold your position, Delta," he ordered. "Bravo Four and Five, you're up. Suppress that room!"

Two flashes of movement on Axel's screen indicated Bravo Four and Five moving into position, their movements quick and calculated. They positioned themselves on both sides of the fortified room and, in unison, unleashed a barrage of suppressive fire.

The gunfire from the room faltered, then went silent. The momentary lull gave Delta Team the window they needed. They stormed into the room, their weapons at the ready.

The sight that met them was one of desperation. A handful of insurrectionists had been making their last stand, using whatever they could as cover. Among them was a middle-aged man, hands raised in surrender.

"Watts!" one of the marines crowed over the comm link. "We've got Watts!"

Axel's tense features relaxed slightly at the confirmation. "Secure him and prepare for extraction," he commanded.

Delta Team swiftly moved to secure Watts, disarming him and restraining him with cuffs. Bravo Team held their positions, ensuring no last-ditch attempts from any remaining insurrectionists while Alpha-1 circled overhead ready to provide immediate support if needed.

Minutes later, two Pelican dropships descended from the sky, gliding through the smoke and debris kicked up by the battle. As they landed, marines rushed forward escorting Watts towards one of them while the second Pelican loaded up with wounded soldiers.

"Command," Delta's team leader radioed in as they lifted off into the night sky. "Watts is secured. We're coming home."

"Good job men, All remaining forces secure the base and deal with the remining insurrectionists, if they surrender accept their surrender but if they fire on you then you are permitted to use deadly force" Ordered Axel.

The remaining forces acknowledged his orders and had begun a mop up of the insurrectionists base. Seeing their leader captured and no chain of command in place, dozen's of insurrectionists surrendered while a few tried to put up a fight only to be gunned down.

With Watts being escorted back to his headquarters, Axel had effectively stopped the insurrectionist group on Eridanus II and destroyed the United Rebel Front. This would be the first of many victories against the insurrectionists in the outer colonies.

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