
New Year Goals

New Year's Eve


It was an hour before the new year. Layla and Jason were sitting on his balcony watching the stars as they both drank some white wine.


"Do you have any goals for the new year?" Layla asked, with her eyes on the sky. She was fascinated with the beautiful night sky.


"Nothing different from what I'm already doing. Take my job more seriously, and take my therapy more seriously as well. I'm working on my weaknesses to become a better man."


"I didn't know you were going to therapy?" Layla asked, now looking at Jason.


"You say it like it's a bad thing," Jason said as he sipped his wine, watching her through the rim of his glass.


"No, I don't think it's a bad thing to go to therapy."


"But? I sense a but.''


Layla sighed, staring into her wine glass. "I see therapy as a last resort, something you only choose when you have no other choice."


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