
There is always a bigger cock.

It didn't take too long for Hagrid to get the class to simmer down well, after he started to use his angry voice that is. As all the students calmed down and formed a group. Hagrid went deeper into the pen to bring out something.

"You're in a mood today." Daphne asked Jon

"Yeah, I mean I don't really care about Draco all that much but that was a little brutal…" Tori joined in.

"I thought it was well deserved." Tracey said with a gleeful smile.

Jon looked at her and said, "I'm just a little fed up with him…" They all looked at him and he continued, "I mean you've been here for 2 years now… at least get some better insults or just shut up."

They all hummed but not Ted, he knew the reason why Jon was on edge today.

 Soon Hagrid came and behind his giant visage was a Hipigriff. Hagrid introduced the class to Buckbeak like a proud mom. "Isn't he beautiful."

Not many students were excited to meet buckbeak but there were two were. Jon and Tracey looked at the creature in awe of its beauty. "He's glorious." Tracey uttered

"Yeah." Jon felt the same as Tracey.

"Um, Hagrid what exactly is that?" Ron asked as he gulped down on his saliva out of fear of the creature.

"It's a Hippogriff." Tracey said with a condescending tone towards Ron. She talked as though everyone knew what it was, which is a bit unfair.

"Correct Ms. Davis, 10 points to Slytherin." He clasped his hands and continued on, "Now there are a fair few things you lot need to learn about Hipogriffs. They are very proud creatures. Very easily offended. So don't insult them it might be the last thing you ever do." 

These few statements increased the tension among the students who were already scared of it in the first place. "Now who would like to say hi to him?"

As soon as he said that people took steps back. 3 didn't out of those 3, 2 had their hands up. It was Tracey, Jon and Harry. Harry was not there because he wanted to he just didn't know it. He quickly took steps back and joined the group.

Hagrid saw that only two wanted to say hi to buckbeak and Tracey said, "Jon… let me go first please?"


"Come on, please." Tracey pleaded and Jon sighed and she went ahead.

"I think he'll like you." Hagrid said with a smile. "Now give him a nice bow." Tracey walked closer to the creature and gave a very graceful bow. The hippogriff saw the bow and bowed as well very easily.

"He a man alright." Jon said under his breath.

"Great… now come and pat him." Hagrid said.

Tracey happily walked closer to him and just easily patted the eagle looking creature. Jon and the others tilted their heads and hummed. 

"Okay, I think he'll let you take him on a ride." Hagrid said and Jon heard it and tried his best not to laugh at it. 

Hagrid didn't even had to pick her up the bastard went low and Tracey easily climbed on top of him and they went away. 

Jon walked over to Hagrid and asked, "Will I get to take him out for a spin?" Hagrid looked at him and said, "Eh… we'll see and besides I still have a class to conduct."

Jon sighed and slumped his shoulders in disappointment. "You can feed him?" Hagrid bargained. Jon hummed and nodded.

After like 15 minutes they were back and everyone clapped for them. Tracey got off Buckbeak's back and Hagrid said, "Well done, Ms. Davis. Well done." Hagrid ushered Jon to come and from the back a mop head was walking through the crowd all angry and said, "You're not scary you dumb chicken."

Jon saw it and stopped the mop head before he got injured. "Not so fast you dumb weasel." Jon grabbed Draco from the collar and pulled him back. Hagrid quickly intervened and stopped the two and said, "10 points from Slytherin and Detention for you Draco."

"What?" It was Daphne she was a little pissed off by that. She looked at Jon and he just raised his hands like what did I do. The class went on without the interaction from Buckbeak. Jon was a little upset by it and understandably so.

Hagrid taught the class about the habitat, the eating habits and impact of hippogriff in the wizarding culture. It was very informative class to be honest. And with that the class came to an end for the students but not for Draco he had detention with Hagrid.


All the class for the day were over, well for most students anyway. Jon still had a lecture with Dumbledore himself. He had gained the privilege to be taught by him and it was a great opportunity for him. He was a little worried about it though he didn't know if Dumbledore appreciated the song he performed in summer.

Jon climbed the stairs and walked into the headmaster's room. Dumbledore looked up from his desk and said, "Oh, It's you come on in." He cleared the desk a little and Jon walked over there and sat down on the chair.

"How was your Summer?" Dumbledore asked with a smile as he held a small bowl with some salt water toffee.

"Thanks." He took one and ate it. He hummed and said, "It was nice… there was a little problem and all but it was all in all it was amazing."

Dumbledore hummed and nodded, he put away the bowl and said, "I really enjoyed your tour…"

"You heard my songs?" Jon asked

"Oh, yes… I enjoyed them very much you should be proud… you're very talented… it's nice that you found something better than what you usually do."

"Yeah, but odds are, I'll still have to do it."

Dumbledore hummed and said, "Well, let's get into our lesson… I don't want to keep you to myself."

Jon nodded and they started their lesson. Dumbledore started with the basics as to what Alchemy is and what are its uses. It's fundamental laws like Law of equivalence, Law of providence and Law of conservation of mass.

Jon understood the concepts very easily as Dumbledore had explained. It was like chemistry and for Jon to understand it was easy. With the basics done. Dumbledore gave Jon homework to learn and memories the three laws.

With the class over Jon got up from his chair and was walking away when Dumbledore said, "If you wish to talk to me about this or anything else… I'll be here."

Jon felt a little odd by his offer but he could only smile and nod as he walked out of his chambers.


After dinner at the great hall the group was gathered in the common room on their couch. Today was the premier of Aurors. The first wizarding television show and the whole group was excited but as usual. The happiness of this group is a little fickle.

As most of them were sitting on the couch and the chairs. Jon looked around and asked Daphne. "Where is Astoria?"

Daphne tilted her head and said, "She is with Friends… she won't make it."

"Oh… well I suppose as long as she has fun." He looked at them and said, "Well, let's get this party started."

As they all were watching the show. Draco and his gaggle of goons walked in with a prefect behind them. The guy was 6th year and his name was Cyrus Shade a half blood. 

Ted asked "Why are you here Ken?"

He looked at Draco and he reluctantly sighed and said, "I'm afraid I have to confiscate your device."

"Why?" Jon asked as he folded his arms. All the people looked at Cyrus.

"Because it's against the rules." Pansy said with her usual smug face.

"Where is it stated that we can't have a tv here?" Tracey asked.

"It doesn't states clearly about the Tv. But the people here are making complaint that it's disturbing them." Cyrus said with a defeated tone.

"And these people happen to be this yellow chick and the walking Npc's behind him?" Jon said with a smug look yet it wasn't that clear to all present.

Ted moved closer and said, "I told you not too many references to muggle things."

Jon nodded and asked, "He's only doing this… because I verbally berated him in front of everyone."

"Still a complaint is a complaint." Cryus said as he shrugged his shoulders.

"Jon?" Tori softly said. "Let it go… we have other means."

Jon nodded and said, "Fine, take it."

Draco and the gaggle laughed and Cyrus gave them a go to take the Tv but before they could do so. Jon asked Cyrus, "But just to be clear… if it's a non muggle thing. We'll be fine right?"

Cyrus shrugged and said, "Yeah." Jon smiled and got up and looked at Ted. He realised what he was saying. Jon looked at the girls and said, "Wait a moment… we'll be back in a minute." He looked at Cyrus and said, "Can you wait for a moment here… I don't want things to heat up while I'm away."

"Sure… but please be quick… I have to be somewhere." Cyrus said with an urgency.

Both of them left and Draco said, "Yeah, walk away you… you… traitors."

"Jeez." Tori scoffed.

"He's right, Ken doll over here has the room temperature I.Q." Daphne said.

"Now, now… it could be worse… it could be in the negative like those two sacks of spuds." Tracey said with a smile.

After a few minutes Jon and Ted walked into the common room with a large glass. And it was huge like as wide as 2 a double door. Cyrus and now everyone looked at the duo carrying that giant Mirror.

They placed the tv a little far from where they usually put the Tv. They mounted it on a wall nearby and adjusted the couch. And Jon said, "You said… we can't have a muggle Tv. I present to you the 100" Illusionarium." 

Ted turned on the Tv and Jon said, "I believe this will be in regulation to your rules?"

Cyrus shrugged and said, "Yeah… okay." He nodded and then he walked closer to Jon and said, "Hey, I just want to say. I didn't want to do this… I'm a huge fan, my girlfriend as well. I was hoping that I can get a sign of yours?"

"Sure… come tomorrow… we'll talk." Jon smiled and Cyrus turned around and Draco looked at him walking away and then he turned to Jon and said, "This isn't over…"

"Of course it isn't other wise it wouldn't be fun." Jon said as he smiled and looked at him.

"You're missing the show." Ted said as he ate some popcorn.

"Damn it." Jon jumped over the couch and sat in between Daphne and Tori.

Next chapter