
Ch.85 Caught in a compromising position

A man is seen buying vegetables at a stand in a market in the humid summer of Brazil. Yet the people were saved by the large canopies of the shade of tress. A feeling of comfort and peace was apparent on everyone's face except for the man with a chicken on his hand and large hemp bag over his shoulder.

Haggling for the price over the chicken the man finally agreed on a price and went on his way for he had other errands to run. This particular man stuck out from the crowd with his overly tall and lanky structure and a rather large mustache poorly hiding a scar on his lips that curved up.

Not to mention that he wasn't a local of the place but still. He wasn't someone who people thought could hurt them. They would be wrong. As the man was walking by he picked up a guava and was eating it as he was making his way to where he parked his carriage, well more like a rundown cart.

But as he was walking his attention was caught by something flashy in one of the new buildings that had been recently renovated. He saw a rather large group of people surrounding the shop. In its window some moving pictures went by like they did in the papers but these were in color and right now they were showing a young man.

The young man was giving an interview about himself and his eyes nearly popped out when he heard the name of the young man. It shocked him enough to drop the guava from his mouth and he ran to his cart he needed to inform someone about it. What shocking news was this?


[Tartini Violin Sonata in G minor ]

In a well lit room a man is seen with a leather apron on as he put the needle of the record down and the beautiful sonata is heard filling through out the large room with white tiles. The man smiles and pulls up a tray as he brushes his fingers against tools that the man calls his instruments. He moves his hands with the music as though he's the conductor. But then he shakes his head and looks down at the table in front of him and exhales sharply and says, "Shall we start?"

Over the cold steel table is lying a rather young man scared for his life as he tries to scream for help but sadly there is no one to hear his screams. The man smiles and starts cutting into the young man. 

Death is a beautiful concept isn't it? I often find myself dreaming of the mistress in black. There is a beauty in her that only a few can see clearly. So pure, so freeing and true… an absolute truth that's what she is. A truth an inevitable waiting for us at the end of the road. A friend, a lover, absolutely everything that you could want she is that. 

You leave your everything behind when you go with her and she puts you to an eternal rest. Ah the freedom could you imagine in. Being so free. I wish to see her and I probably see her soon.

Suddenly the doors to the clean room opens and the man stops and slams his instrument into the table and shouts, "WHAT?!"

The lanky man with the mustache looks terrified of what he had done but he was sure that this will make professor happy, "He is alive and he coming here."

The professor turns to look at him and the lanky man nods and smiles. "Yes, that baby lives. He's coming here."

The professor smiles and says, "Well, it's I should meet him… it's only right, after all I made him."


(Jon's Pov)

As I was walking inside the castle towards my room, I suddenly sneezed. "Sorry." Fleur looked at me and asked, "Are you sick?"

I shook my head and said, "It's probably from sitting in the tub, when I played the guitar this morning."

She looked at me questioningly and I explained, "I was experimenting with it. Anyway… where are we going?"

She nodded and said, "Firstly, to meet your band members. Then, I'll take you to your room and after that it's up to you. Whatever you want to do."

I looked at her and she looked somehow even more beautiful than I had seen her. Must be because of her heritage. She looked at me with her eyes squinted and asked, "What?"

I shook my head and said, "Nothing, it's just weird."



"I'm weird?"


She looked not all that happy with my comment so I expanded on it, "I mean, why are you with me? Here, walking me around and all?"

She looked at me and chuckled lightly, "What you don't like walking with me?"

I tilted my head and said, "I'm loving it… but it still doesn't satisfy my curiosity."

She stopped in front of a double door at the end of the second floor and said, "It's simple, I asked them to. I like you."

I hummed and she opened the door and we walked inside and I saw a rather large group of people. One of which I recognized. It was sally, she had gotten a haircut I suppose. Her hair is shorter than before, but her fashion sense was still the same as before. Wearing a Black Sabbath t-shirt and jean shorts. She saw me and said, "There you are, where were you little C."

She was gaged my another girl, with long frizzy red hair, "Sally, we are being recorded? Remember?"

Sally nodded and the woman let her hand go and she said, "Hi, I'm Frey." I walked forward and shook her hand. I looked at a little distance was a guy with a skull and wand out maneuvering it and capturing the whole room.

Sally said, "Where were you?"

I shrugged my shoulders and said, "Performing somewhere."

She rolled her eyes clearly annoyed and I wondered why Ed had brought her. Two men approached me both looked identical with black hair and short stature with a skinny body. "Hi, we are Warren brothers. I'm Keith and this is Bobby."

I shook their hand as well and I said, "Hey, guys?" They looked at me and I said, "So I suppose, Ed has kinda filled you in with the whole thing of like how I play and all?"

I was hoping that he did but he was busy finding me so, "No" Frey said

The skull started to come in closer and it kinda made me uncomfortable. But I tried to move past it and said, "Well, then let me explain it as simply as I could. I like to improvise a lot with my music. So I start to do something new. You just need to follow it. It's that simple." 


They nodded and Sally said, "So when are we practicing." 

I looked at Sally and asked, "What's with the whole skull thing?"

Sally looked behind and swatted at the camera and said, "It's for the documentary. Ed's idea and there will be a live telecast of it as well. It's pissing me off."

I sighed and said, "Well, all we can do is ignore it and move on." I looked at them and said, "Let's practice a little."


After 2 hours of practice session they all got the hang of it and were a lot more comfortable with me and I with them. I put the mic away and took a breath and said, "Well, that was good. We'll do it again after dinner. We should rest now." 

They all agreed and I noticed that Fleur was sitting this whole time and she walked up to me and said, "That was amazing." 

I smiled and said, "I try. Now show me my room. I still have a lot to do."

She nodded and we walked out of the practice room and were on our way to my supposed room.

"So what were you doing… really? I mean the performing that was a lie right?" Fleur asked

I shook my head and said, "No, I really was. You can ask at Le Coq Chantant."

Her eyes widened in surprise, "That's not a good place."

"It had people and I really needed people that time." 

We stopped at a door on the second floor closer to the practice room, she opened the door and it was a large room with a big bed and closet and all the things that were useless to me. I stepped inside and she asked, "Why?"

I turned around and was confused, "What do you mean?"

"Why did you need people? From the looks of it you have people?"

"I needed different people. Who didn't know me…" I sighed and said, "I want to go out."

She looked baffled and tilted her head and said, "Okay… where?"

I thought for a moment and said, "Anywhere is fine… but I want to check out Place Cachée. I didn't had the chance to see it properly."

She exhaled and said, "Alright… when?"

I removed my t-shirt and said, "As soon as I'm done showering."

She looked away and went to clean myself.


We were outside the castle and I was wearing a black plaid shirt over a white t-shirt and jeans. I looked at Fleur and she was dressed in a blue summer dress and I said, "Do they really have to come?"

Fleur shrugged her shoulders and said, "Ed said so."

I sighed and said, "I really wished that you were not following the rules type of girl. You would be more fun." 

She scoffed and we got inside the carriage and we were away.

Throughout the whole thing the guys followed us from far behind so that I could at least not be recognized. Fleur and I had some crepes and ice cream for our little walking brunch. As we were walking around the place. I saw a book store. The Magillard: Plumes et Tome. It's the French equivalent of Flourish and Bolts. 

On the display was a book by Lockhart, the secrets of Hogwarts inside the chamber.

He wasn't even a part of it how did he even write this shit? Fleur saw me looking at that and said, "Are you a fan as well?"

I scoffed and shook my head with fervor and said, "Hell no!"

She was taken aback by my strong reaction and said, "Alright, no need to loose you head over it… literally." 

I chuckled and said, "Let's go." I opened the door for her and she went inside and I stopped the guys out and said, "Nope and don't try it. Give me some privacy."

They stayed outside and Fleur and I were looking around, she was reading the book by Lockhart and I went to the back to check for something good and I saw something good or someone good.

A tall girl with frizzy brown hair, engrossed in the world that the book created with its words. I chuckled and tapped on her shoulders and she turned around and said, "Sorry." She saw me and in an instant her expression changed "You."


She tried to leave but I grabbed her by the hand and said, "Listen to me before you storm out." 

"Let me go." She demanded

"Just try and listen please… I'm trying to apologize here?"

She turned around and scoffed, "Why? I thought we weren't friends."

She tried to leave but I pulled her closer and said, "I realize that the things I said and I'm sorry for it. You are my friend. My first… real friend. And you shouldn't have said that to you. I didn't mean it."

She scoffed and said, "You can't just push an apology on me Jon."

I tilted my head and said, "I can push these on you though." I pulled out three tickets from my jeans and said, "Please at least come to my show. I wasn't a good friend. But I know you are. So please."

She didn't take them so I pushed them in her pocket and we both were struggling a little bit and that might have caused a commotion cause Fleur came in and said, "What with the noi…se?" She stood there watching us and Hermione's ear was red and she left in a hurry and but I succeeded in planting the tickets on her.

Fleur looked at me and asked, "You shouldn't do such things in public."


So guys I have a few things to say about the things in the future. I have an examination week coming from 29 feb that will go no till I don't know how long. So there is that so if I stop uploading you guys know why.

Secondly, I want to talk to you guys about Patronus charm and Animagus. I was watching YouTube and there was this video about the topic from Harry Potter theories that a wizard could potentially have a magical beast as his spirit animal. So I was thinking of some things and I think there is one that fits the Mc but it's a little op. The only other choice I can think of him that kinda fits as his spirit animal is a squirrel. So let me know.

And on another note how did you like me introducing the new villain for the third movie? Let me know.

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